Saved by the bell

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"Ugh how long do we have to be in here" I whine as I dramatically drop my feet in front of me on to the elevator floor like a child. "My god y/n can you just get it together, it is no big deal. It's not like the elevator will all of a sudden completely break and then drop us all the way down to the first floor. Oh wait what floor are we on right now?" Nat asks quickly as my mind starts to race to more terrible possibilities. "The 20th" I Sheepishly reply. "Exactly we would fall 20 floors down to our death." Nat says acting like I am stupid. My breather starts to increase because she is right, we could totally die here.

Trying to distract myself I pick up my phone to check the time and it is only 5 minutes past when I checked the time before. I look up at nat and she is standing up stiff as a board with her back slightly against the elevator wall. "Can you not make everything worse. It will now be your fault if I have a panic attack in here" I huff at her as I turn away to the other wall.

I look up at the buttons of the elevator one more time and stand up to press the 'help' button once again. It does nothing. "Come on your stupid peace of shit!" I yell at it noticing that my Russian accent is coming out slightly. "Hello this is jarves speaking, how can I help you" a sudden voice interrupts as I jump to my feet once again and run up to the speaker that the voice was coming from.

"Hey yes jarves please get us out of here" I huff and turn to Natasha with a hopeful expression on my face. "I am alert mr. Stark right away." The voice says again and I let out a dramatic sigh. "Oh thank god" I say as I lean against the wall and throw my head back in relief. I turn over to look at Natasha just to see that she has a layer of blush coating her cheeks. Just then do I realize how close we are.

Our faces are basically just 4 inches apart. I look up at her eyes (you are slightly shorter then her sorry) and you get lost in the green forest that her eyes present. She slowly starts to move towards your face and you do till a voice interrupts the tension. "Hey you guys ok" tony says through the speaker and me and nat basically jump away from each other. "Oh tony hi I forgot we called for help" I mumble the last part.

"How long have you two been stuck there" tony asks. " about 30 minutes" Natasha reply's checking her phone. " well I am so sorry but we can't get anybody to the scene to help you guys get out so you will have to wait about 15 more minutes so we can find someone else." Tony sighs and I slide down the wall and dramatically plop my feet out once again.

"What happened?" I finally ask.
"What?" Nat reply's confused on what I am referring to. "It seemed like we were fine for a moment then all of a sudden you got all mad at me again. And I know that it is mostly because my head was on your shoulder but it really doesn't seem that deep if you ask me" I spit out all of my confusion and look at her wanting an answer after being confused all day.

"Well I am not mad at you it's just" she pauses with a sigh then continues. "I Allowed you to put you head in my lap and I don't like that I let you willingly do that." She tells me and looks down at her fingers which are fidgeting with each other. I am totally star-struck by this news because I had just assumed that she was mad that I embarrassed her but I was totally wrong. 

"Oh well that was definitely not what I though you were going to say" is say not even trying to hide the fact that I am shocked. "Yea well it doesn't even matter anyway. I just hope we get out of the god damn elevator before we die in here." She sighs. "Ok what is with you and talking about dying?" I screech at her because she oddly keeps mentioning dying and death.

"Ok well I had this cat named rose" Nat starts but I interrupt once again shocked. "You had a cat?!" I practically scream thinking of the fact that this 'cold blood assassin' had a cat named rose?  Her cheeks glow with red at the comment and she continues with what she was saying.

"Yes I had a cat named rose but he dead the other day and I just miss him" she says with a soft voice. "Aw Natasha that is so sweet" I think about how adorable that car must have been then I realize what I had just said. "Wait no I didn't mean sweet I mean yes the cat was probably sweet but I am sorry for your loss." I mumble  Embarrassedly.

She chuckles slightly. "It's fine I. She was a very sweet cat and she Surprisingly loved taking baths so I would randomly give her baths and she would really like them" Natasha says  but this time her face is turned up towards me and I have her full attention. "She sounds wonderful" I say and then the room goes silent again and Natasha drops her head towards the floor .

"I am sorry if I brought up any bad memories" I mumble thing about how she had told me she was in the red room too so hopefully I didn't make anything to else seem fresh. "It's ok. I was just glad we were able to get you out of that hell hole" Natasha says giving me a quick glance and a small smile.

"I guess we have more In common then we might think" I say softly looking into her pretty green eyes once again. "Yea I guess we do" Natasha now fully looks up at me and then gives me a smile. Then all of a sudden the doors fly open and Wanda, tony, Steve and Bruce are all standing there with their arms crossed.  "My god it took you guys long enough I though we were  gonna have to keep you In that elevator forever." Wanda sighs.
What the hell  is she talking about.

Heyyy my loves. I am so sorry this took so long to post! I had state testing all week and so I was really stressed and busy but I hope you like it! I hope everyone is going good and remember to EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING ❤️❤️❤️

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