Jealousy, jealousy

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It was a warm summer day and I was about 13 years old. Tony had just asked me if I could take out the trash. I had originally objected to the request but my mom backed him up so I did it anyway. I slip on a pair of shorts and then I put on my flip flops.

I open the door and start to walk down the driveway when I see a suspicious car parked across the street from my house. I don't think anything of it and I continue to walk Down to where the trash cans are. I finally reach the trash cans and I let out a sigh before grabbing the two handles and pushing it away from the curb.

I don't even get to push it 2 feet before I feel cold hands wrap around my waist, picking me up in the air. "What the fuck!" I exclaim and try to kick whoever is grabbing onto me. "Let me go you bastards!" I am now squirming in their hold as much as I can.

It seems to be no use because I still end up being thrown into the back seat on what I assume to be a truck. Before they close the door I spring out of their hold the best I can without thinking. I run down the street with all my power but before I am able to successfully get away from the truck someone hits me in the back of my head.


It is about 3:00 in the morning and for some god forsaken reason I can't sleep. We can thank the red room for me being sleep deprived. I lay staring up at my ceiling just thinking. Thinking about y/n and how I should definitely not be feeling how I am feeling about them. Also thinking about how flustered she gets with such simple gestures.

She Is definitely very fun to tease because she breaks easily. Wait no I have to stop thinking about that. I let out an exaggerated sigh and wipe my hands over my face. All of a sudden breaking my thoughts I start to hear whimpering and gasping. At first I start to I think the worst and I groan at the fact that two (or more 🤢) of my teammates could be doing that stuff.

Then after listening a bit more closely It sounds more like it's more of scared whimpers. I scrunch my eyebrows and I stand up to go see who is in such distress. I walk up to my door and lightly push it open so it doesn't wake anyone else.

I peer my head out of my door frame trying to identify where the noise is coming from. Eventually I look across the hall towards y/n and Wanda's room to hear that it is definitely coming from one of there rooms. I go to Wanda's first because it is closer to my room.

I lightly knock on her door to make sure she is not changing or something. (Even though no one should be changing at 3am). No answer. I bring my hand down to her door knob and I twist it so the door creeks open.

I walk into her room slowly and try to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness. "Wanda?" I whisper going into her room farther. "Hmm Natasha? What's wrong" Wanda says sleepily from her bed. Crap well it looks like the noises where not coming from her.

"I'm sorry I was just hearing like whimpering from either you or y/n's room. I went to yours first because it was closer" I explain and she sits up on her bed so I have her full attention. "Well should we go check on her" she asks still slightly mumbled because she just woke up.

"I mean only if you want because you should go back to bed" I say now suddenly feeling and that I woke her from her sleep. "No it's fine. Let's go check on her". I nod my head and step back a bit so Wanda can get out of her bed. Wanda slips on slippers that are next to her nightstand and she takes her hair out of its bun.

I turn around and start to walk out of her room and she follows closely behind me. We both get into the hallway and we walk a couple steps over to y/n's room. Wanda steps in front of me for a second and knocks on her door lightly like I did to hers. We both step back and wait for a response.

When the response never comes Wanda steps up once again and very quickly opens her door just enough that we are able to get through and into her room. Wanda slips in first then I do too. Sure enough I was right and we see y/n shaking and squirming around in her bed.

"Aw poor baby" Wanda whispers and she sits on the side closest to y/n. I sit on the side of the bed next to y/n and I lightly grab into her shoulders so I don't scare her then I pull her up so she can breath better. "Hey, hey sweetie you got to wake up or it will just get worse" Wanda whispers from beside her. Wanda gently rubs  her back and I move the hair from her face.


I wake up in a cold sweat and a big gasp releases into self from my lungs. With tears streaming down my face I frantically move my head from side to side trying to get a hold of my surroundings. "Shh it's ok my love, it's okay" I turn to my left to see Natasha trying to calm me down. "Yeah it's ok we got you sweetie" a voice comes from my right and I Turn to see Wanda too.

Seeing both of them calms be greatly and I immediately leap into Wanda's arms and she hugs me tightly like her life depends on it. Her arms instantly bring me great comfort and I melt into her touch. After she holds me for about five minutes I pull away and my breathing has evened out for the most part.


My heart crashed at the sight I'm seeing. Y/n ran into Wanda's arms and not mine. Her arms. After everything I've done, her arms are still the ones that bring her the most comfort. Love is for children, They were right the whole time. My heart hurts as I see how relaxed y/n is when Wanda is holding them and I just can't help but be jealous.

I should never even be thinking this in the first place but I really thought I might have had a chance with y/n. but it looks like she made her pick. All I have to do know is accept it. I may just be overreacting but it still makes my bones chill because I was the one who wanted to check on her in the first place.


I am now looking between Natasha and Wanda because there is now a awkward silence looming in the air. I direct my eyes towards Natasha and for some reason she looks upset. Her smile has dropped and her eyebrows are pinned up in an annoyed manner. Why would I she be sad or mad about what's happening? Maybe she just feels bad or, my eyes widen as I realize.

Oh my god the all time famous black widow is jealous. I can't believe it. That is a power that I should not have. I am now Looking at Natasha and smiling really big. "Why do you all of a sudden look so happy?" Natasha asks but I can tell that she is fighting of a smile from her face. "Oh nothing" I say nonchalantly with a higher voice. I am gonna have so much fun with this.

Heyyyy everyone!!!! I can't believe we hit 1.12k reads!!! That's so insane. Thank you guys so much and I am so great full for all of the love I have been getting. I will try to release chapters every other day (they take me a while write).  I am going on a trip on the 27th of this month so I probably won't write for about a week but who knows. MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES -juni <3

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