Much needed sleep

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It's about 45 minutes later and neither of them have done anything so I am just going to assume that they are done whatever they are doing. But as usual I am very very wrong.

All of a sudden Natasha breaks the long silence by saying "hey y/n can I braid your hair?" She is Staring at me and waiting for my reply. "You know It is just hard for me to watch a movies when I have nothing to do with my hands" she explains.

"Oh I'm yeah sure that's fine" I reply because I do like it when people play with my hair so I don't see how this could be that bad. Once again I am wrong. "Ok just move over a bit so you can sit on my lap" she waves her hands so they are Motioning towards her and then she pats her thigh.

Panic rushes through my body. Not knowing what to do I just reply the best I can. "Well I can just set right bellow you on the floor" I hope she says yes to this because It is safe to say I would melt if I had to sit on her lap. "Nonsense, just sit on my lap" Natasha quickly glances over to Wanda and Wanda lets out a small smile.

It's literally like they are trying to make this a game or something (no shit Sherlock). I let out a long breath but then eventually left my body up so it is straddling her thighs. I made sure to not sit to far up her thigh but I hope she doesn't notice. Well spoiler alert she definitely did notice because the moment I finished thing that she takes her hand, places them on both of my thighs and drags me backwards towards her.

A small yelp leaves my body at the sudden contact. "There you go pretty girl" Natasha coos and with that I finally give up because I can't take thing much longer. "You know now that I am thinking about it I am like super tired and I should go to bed" I pause and look between the two girls. "So Um goodnight" I quickly say then rush out of the room.

Oh my god that was the most intense situation I have been in, in at least a year.  I run down the hall then up the stairs and finally into my room. The moment I enter my bedroom I shut the door and let out a big breath of relief. I was initially lying about how tired I was but now that I am alone the tirednesses hits me like a bus.

I pick up my hands and rub my face up and down trying to awaken myself a bit but it doesn't work so I mine as well just go to bed. I walk I to the bathroom to wash my face really fast before I get dressed. Because of all of the new privileges I have here I am making sure to use all of them so I get used to living here.

I take off all of my clothes then I changed into a t-shirt and shorts. Once I am finished I climb into bed and pull up the covers so it is directly under my chin. I move so I am lying on my back and I look up at the roof. I still can't believe I am here.

I also can't believe that I have only been in this house for two days but so many things have happened. I was burnt with boiling water, I was stuck in an elevator with Natasha and I almost got kidnapped. So it has been a very eventful two days. I chuckle remembering all that happened then I finally let sleep consume me.

Hello everyone! So this is just a short chapter because it is 8 in the morning where I am so I am not able to write too much but I was really bored so I wrote a little. I hope you guys like it. (Also thank you so so much for 700 reads!! That's crazy) MAKE SURE TO EAT OR DRINK SOMETHING TODAY MY LOVES. -juni <3

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