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(This will be mostly y/n's back story btw)

We all run towards the main exit and blast through the doors into the parking lot. "We got to go we got to go" I whisper under my breath as me, Natasha and Wanda all run through the cars trying to find where we parked. "There" Natasha's yells and we all spot our car. We walk up to the vehicle and open the doors. Quickly and flinging ourselves onto the seats.

I hear Natasha and Wanda da buckle their seatbelts and I do the same. I throw my head back against the cold leather feeling drained because that's the first time in a while that I have used my powers. I feel the car start to move and I close my as and let out a long deep breath. "Ok first off what the actual fuck just happened" Natasha says in disbelief. "It looks like we have got another person with powers on the team" Wanda smiles to em from Into her mirror.

"I'm not on the team yet Wanda so I wouldn't get your hopes up too soon" I say as I smile back at her and stare Into her green eyes. I look over at Natasha and she blushes a bit before looking away quickly. "So are you gonna tell us how you got the powers or are we just gonna skip over that part" Natasha questions looking back at me.

"Well you guys both know that i was in hydra and the red room and when I was 12 they had taken me to experiment on with different power serums. So there is a lot of different things I am able to do because of that" I they to avoid their eyes as i say this because i hate talking about my past.

"Thats so cool why didn't you tell anyone" Wanda is driving down the high way as she says that. " because some of the powers I have are very dangerous and I though that if I were to tell you guys straight away then everyone would immediately kick me out and I would be back where I started" i slightly mumble and I peek up at them.

"Oh well you don't have to worry. We won't tell anyone if you don't want us to" Natasha smirks at me and I feel butterflies irrupt in my stomach at the action, Oh god what is happening to me. "Thank you" i mumble and I start  to fiddle with my skirt needing something to do with my hands. "What you did. back there was super bad ass though" Wanda sighs and I notice that we are getting closer to the avengers tower.

"I honestly had no clue where it came from. I was just scared that they were going to hurt own room you so I snapped and let my power do what It wanted." I pause. "That was the first Time i have used my powers in a long time" i look back down at my hands and crinkle my lips together. "Well you did amazing and without you and Wanda" Natasha looks at Wanda. "We would have never gotten out of there in one piece" i give Natasha a sweet smile then we keep quite the rest of the to the avengers tower.

I let my mind wonder as we drive and I think about the last  time I used my powers.
"KILL HIM" they screamed at me as i had a ball of my power  in my shaking hands. I look up at the guy with the bag over his head and tears swell up in my eyes. "YOU ARE USELESS JUST KILL HIM" another guy screams and then I give up and snap his neck with my powers. I let a single tear drop and I fall down to my knees knowing that I have been using my powers all day.

"Hey y/n you ok back there, you seem odly quiet" Wanda says and looks up at me through the mirror once again. "Yeah Wanda is right you do look a little pale like you've seen a ghost" Natasha agrees and looks back at me as well. I am a bit shaken up as I remember that terrible memory but I still try to confidently answer Natasha. "Oh yea I'm fine just lost in thought I guess" I mumble, then I notice that we are pulling into the driveway.

Wanda parks the car and i open my door and jump out of the car. I look back at Natasha and Wanda as they are both doing the same and then I start walking to the door. As I reach for the handle someone beats me to it on the other side and opens it. They almost walk right into me as it appears to be a teenage boy? "Oh Um I I'm Peter Parker or spider man or whatever I guess".

he stumbles over his words and he tries to cooly lean on the door frame. "Hey Peter Parker I'm y/n I didn't mean to run into you I was just trying to get in the house" I say as I try to hint that I am still wanting to go into the house because I am exhausted. "Peter get out of y/n's way they are tired" Natasha yells from behind me and then Peter immediately moves. "Natasha be nice to him. he is only a child" Wanda whispers to her.

I nod my head towards Peter and then finally walk inside of the compound as does Wanda and Natasha. I walk directly over to the couch and flop down on top of it with a thump. "Wow you must be so tired from all of that power use" Natasha teases and sits next to me on the couch.

Wanda follows in suit and sits on the other side of me. "Yeah Natasha's right it is probably making you really tired." Wand looks down at me with her eye brows raised. I suddenly am very aware of how close they are to me and a light blush coded me cheeks. I try to avoid eye contact from the two woman as I respond. "Well yea I guess I am pretty tired" Natasha smirks at me and then use's her left hand to push a stray hair away from my face.

"Well you should probably lay down then darling" Wanda says and then moves so she is laying down next to me. I quickly sit up suddenly too flustered to stand this conversation anymore. "I um I think I am going to go take a shower or something" I stand up from my seat and rush out of the room still blushing.

Natasha's POV

Well that was a bit weird. I choose to ignore it as I sit up too and start putting my hair up into a pony tail. "I think she has a lot of potential." Wanda says from beside me. "Especially with us know knowing she has powers I feel like it just opens a lot of doors, you know?" Wanda is now sitting up as well.

"Yeah I guess so" I continue to put my hair up into the pony tail then I stand up all of the way and walk out of the room. I walk along the hallway only to walk past y/n's room but noticing that the door is wide open. Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk over to the room only to see y/n half naked in the mirror from the bathroom. A huge blush covers my face and I quickly close the door and run out of the hallway and back to my room.

Oh no that was terrible! Why would I go into her room if she had already said she was going to take a shower. I'm such a dumb ass. I walk over to my bed and flip down on it. I put my hands up to my face and wipe my eyes tiredly from all of the unnecessary running we had to do today. And I realized that we didn't even get any book!! That was the whole reason we were even there and yet we still got nothing.

I groan and get up from my bed and grab a book that I already had and then start to read it on my chair that I have in the corner of the room. This has been such a long day I wouldn't be surprised if I fell asleep during this.

Hello my loves!! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe with all of the stuff that's been happening lately 😢. I hope you like Thai chapter and I am hoping I will be able to write a lot more when I am on summer break. I only have about three weeks of school left so I am hoping they go bye lok. a breeze. MAKE SURE TO EAT ANR DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES!!!
-Juni ❤️

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