Wait for you

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I wake up in a cold sweat. My breathing is really heavy as I try to get a hold of my surroundings. I tell myself that is was just a nightmare and that I'll be fine. But it just felt so real. I lift my hand up to touch the bandages around my shoulder.

I sigh and attempt to stabilize my breathing. I  just can't stop thinking about how Natasha shot me. I know Wanda said that she was probably mind controlled or something, I just can't get it out of my mind.

It's like one moment we are making out and the next I'm bleeding out because she used a gun on me. I start to wonder how cool the scar is gonna be once it's fully healed. I try to swallow but I find that my throat is really dry from the nightmare.

I'll be fine if I just get up for a bit. It's just to go to the kitchen anyway, no one will know. God forbid Wanda finds out, she would kill me.


After my little breakdown with Wanda I decide to head down to the kitchen to get water to help my throbbing throat. Crying really takes a toll on you sometimes. I start to walk down the steps and I move my wrist to see the time on my watch.

12:15am the clock read. I sigh and continue my journey down to the kitchen. I am still really shaken up about all the new things I found out I did. I'm just glad they didn't hold me in a cell any longer.

Cells remind me of the red room, and that never goes over well. Luckily Steve knows that, so he was able to take me out of the cell and bring me back to my room, even if I passed out like thee times on the way there. The guilt is eating me alive. What is y/n hates me? I mean she has every right to.

I literally shot her. I would not be surprised if she never wanted to even look at me again. I love her. It's hard to admit but I really love her. She is the only person who I know that actually seems to get me. I haven't even known her that long but I am very aware that I care about her more then anyone.


I walk into the kitchen and to the cabinet above the counter to retrieve a cup. I reach for the cup and grab one that has an avengers logo on it. I still think it's funny that Tony constantly buys merchandise for himself or his team. I smirk and move the cup over to the fridge.

That's when I see her. Natasha. I gasp a little when she walks fully into the room. She looks up and her mouth goes almost as wide as mine. I have fear struck in my eyes and she can tell. We stand there starting at each other.

I see her eyes drift to the bandage rapping tightly around my shoulder, her body tenses up and her eyes fill with tears. She looks away and blinks a couple of times. I nervously start to chew on my bottom lip. It's also then when I realize I only have a little sports bra on and shorts.

That's the least of my worries though. "It-it wasn't me y/n, I promise" she speaks and her voice is horse and I can tell she's been crying. I play with my fingers as I feel a sort of tightening sensation in my chest. "Who was it then Natasha?" I ask her and swallow deeply. It would help if I was able to actually get water.

The nightmare is still fresh in my mind, that's what is making everything worse. "Tony thinks they put something on me when we were attacked at the library" she walks slightly closer to me to lean on the counter. She is still only about 5-6 feet away from me but My anxiety still increases.

I nod my head a bit but she can tell I'm not convinced. I just can't believe the woman who shot me is literally only a couple feel away from me. "I would never hurt you y/n, you know that" she says pleadingly. "I knew that, but I'm just not so sure now" I state and I can see her heart break.

"Natasha, you shot me in the shoulder and I almost bleed out in Wanda's arms. It was absolutely terrifying and I thought that was it for me." The tears are starting to form in my eyes too. But not from sadness, from anger.

" the worst part is that I was also thinking about how I would never have gotten a chance to say goodbye to you" my voice breaks and a tear falls down onto my cheek. I wipe it quickly and start biking my lip.

She is crying lightly, I can see the guilt all over her face. "Y/n I am so sorry. I would never do anything like that. You have every right to be mad and hate me. I would hate me too. The guilt will forever be with me" she explains slowly which makes it more meaningful.

I know she means it. I also am aware that she was being controlled to do that. The real Natasha would never do that. It will just take me a moment to get used to her again. I am fighting every urge to run up and hug her, to cry in her arms and let her stroke my hair and tell me everything will be ok.

" I am aware that it was not you who shot me, I know you were controlled. Being as it was your hand that was holding the gun it makes me slightly afraid of you. Hopefully one day in the near future I will trust you as much as I did" I say completely honestly.

"I am not going to ignore the feelings I have for you because they are real and i have already tried to push them away, it doesn't work. I am fighting everything in my body that tells me to run up and hug you right now" more honesty just keeps flooding out of my mouth.  I can't help it.

"I want the Natasha back that I once had." I look at her and she is crying harder now. She uses her hands to wipe away all the tears and she pushes her red strands of hair away from her face. "I will be here whenever you are ready to forgive me, i will wait for you detka" Natasha says softly.

TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?!? Wow you guys are lucky!!! I was ready some tumblr and I got a random urge to write so here you go! I actually like how this chapter turns out and I hope you guys are feeling sort of bad for Natasha too. I love you all and I hope you have. A great night/day! (Remember that you can always talk to me and I will always be here for you) -juni <3

That red head जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें