28> Tiffany's Actual Reaction

Start from the beginning

"Ah thank you for the offer but I'm in a hurry. I need to get going now ehmm.." Taeyeon bowed down and intended to say her name but then again the girl hadn't mentioned her name and Taeyeon too was too ignorance to ask her name.

"Suzy. And nice too meet you too. Becareful miss??" Suzy bowed back and waited for Taeyeon to introduce herself.

"Taeyeon. Have a nice day then Suzy." Taeyeon stretched out her hand and Suzy shook her hand with Taeyeon.

Taeyeon helplessly dragged her body in a very slow motion for she didn't have energy left in her body, didn't have any feelings left in her painful heart, and didn't have any thoughts left in her mindless brain. She forgot about the wedding, she ignored her aching heart, she neglected the fact the she would never have a future either with Jessica or Tiffany, she let the tears rained her face that her vision started to get blurred. She silently promised herself not to ever get involved in love story again no matter what. She unlocked the car door and went into the driver seat. She purposively didn't wear her seatbelt for she slightly hoped she would get into accident that could make her forget about her past and the poignant fact that she currently faced.

Vice versa from before, this time she drove too slow that many driver opened up their windows and honked her, yelled at her, ordering her to pull aside from the main road. She chuckled like a crazy girl while continue driving in a sluggish speed. The speedometer showed 20 km/hour yet she didn't care about it. The tears were never left her even for one second. She giggled awkwardly when she wished she could have windshield on her eyes so that her tears could be wiped away automatically just like her car. She drove aimlessly, forgetting the right road to her apartment.

Just like a lost child, she waited for Tiffany to come home patiently. Just like a broken person, she sat on the floor while hoping the angel of her life would present and bring her to the heaven. Just like a sick person, she lay on the bed while wishing her doctor would come over and save her. Taeyeon rested her elbow to endure her head while using her other hand to control the wheel. She couldn't picture her future without Tiffany in it. She admitted that before she was afraid to imagine her future living together with a lusty wife such as Tiffany. But she dared to swear that never once she prayed one day Tiffany should leave her, no never. She only murmured to God to make her marriage successful and hope she could make her wife happy. Couldn't withstand the ache feeling on her head, she unwillingly turned around the car and headed back to her apartment. Honestly her apartment would be the last place she wanted to go since it would only remind her about the brunette but she knew she had no other option. If she went to other place, she would only make the owner who should have been her best friends such as Sooyoung and Yoona worried and certainly she didn't want that to happen. And no, Jessica was not an option for sure.

She searched her apartment keys while walking to the front door. Her eyes concentrated only on the things inside her purse when a familiar voice called her,

"Taetae~~~" Tiffany stood up in front of Taeyeon's front door.

"Tiffany? No no, I must be hallucinating~~" Taeyeon shook her head while still had her eyes on her purse. However she still directed herself to the front door slowly.

"Taetae???" This time the brunette touched her arm. Both of them stood up in front of Taeyon's front door.

"Maybe I miss her too much that I can even feel her touching my arm." Taeyeon mumbled to herself. Finally she could find what she's searching for. When she looked above to put the key into the key hole, her eyes catched a familiar figure in front of her.

"Tae-" Tiffany was trying to tug Taeyeon's cloth when suddenly she was pulled into Taeyeon's embrace.

"Fanny-ah, it is really you isn't it?? I'm not dreaming, right??" Taeyeon engulfed her future wife in tight hug. She wrapped her hands around the brunette waist, feeling the real existence of Tiffany, making sure that it wasn't just a dream.

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