12> The Argument Between The Kims

Start from the beginning

"So, Taeyeon-ah care to share how did you end up being with Tiffany and left Jessica??" Junsu used his fork and knife to cut the steak on his plate.

"I don't know either, Dad. One night I met her and bang I fall in love with her. As simple as that I think, right baby??" Taeyeon turned her head to Tiffany and smiled. Tiffany just nodded her head and continue eating.

"Really? Where did you meet her??" Hyoyeon wiped her mouth with a napkin and gulp the water on her tall glass.

"Hmm?? I met her in a bar." Taeyeon answered calmly when in fact no one knew that she was deadly nervous, afraid of the possible further questions. She knew her parents, especially her mother is an inteligent and smart person so there's no way to avoid the questions in case she asked.

"You went to the bar?? Wow that's surprising! I mean you seldom go there if not with Jessica, right?" Junsu asked Taeyeon or more like stated it to her. He knew his daughter was a very good girl and never once broke the rules. As much as he disliked Taeyeon being in the bar, if it's with Jessica, he wouldn't mind because he knew he could trust Jessica.

"Yes, dad. An important client of mine wanted me to meet him there." Taeyeon lied for the second time toward her parents. The first time would be when she said she loved Tiffany.

"Ooh I see. Then may I ask why you broke up with Jessica, dear??" Junsu put down his knife to grab a glass of mineral water beside his plate.

"We're just not meant to be together, Dad." Taeyeon couldn't tell him the truth but then again being an honest daughter all her life made her incapable in lying, especially to her parents.

"And why do you think so? Tell me, do you still love Jessica or not?" Junsu felt kind of suspicious toward his only child. It's the first time Taeyeon didn't actually answer his question to the point.

"I'm not. I love Tiffany, Dad." Taeyeon turned her head and kissed Tiffany's cheek. She told herself that she had to pretend well so that her parents wouldn't doubt her. Luckily Tiffany obediently followed every act of Taeyeon and didn't comment much about it.

"Sighed. If that's your final choice then me and your mother couldn't do nothing but supporting your decision." Junsu diverted his gaze to his wife for a moment and gave his daughter smile. As much as Junsu felt hesitate toward his daughter statement but oddly he could see some affection between Tiffany and Taeyeon.

"Thank you Dad, Mom. You're the best parents in the world!!" Taeyeon got up from her seat to kiss her parents cheeks before going back to her own seat.

"Baby, they support us yeayy!!" Taeyeon looked at Tiffany and kissed her lips. Tiffany felt blush creeped all over her body. It's the first time Taeyeon initiated a real kiss toward her.

"Anyway, Tiffany-shii how about your parents? Have they already knew about you and Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon beamed a smile to Tiffany.

"Errr.. They..They-"

"They have gone, Mom." Taeyeon decided to answer the question.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Forgive me, Tiffany-shii I didn't know." Hyoyeon put one of her hands on her chest to show her condolence.

"That's fine, Mrs.Kim." Tiffany felt so relief Taeyeon cut her in the middle and asnwered it instead.

"Tiffany-shii, what do you do for life?" Finally the question Taeyeon most afraid of came out from her mother's mouth. This would be the moment of truth, the moment between dead or alive, the moment where her parents would decide to continue the wedding or cancel it.

"She used to be a slut, mom" Taeyeon took a deep breath and shut her eyes tightly. She's so afraid to hear the comments of her parents. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, she focused her eyes on the table, she hung her head low. Tiffany too didn't dare to look above. Maybe she was used to be insulted and called hooker etc but right now the situation is different. Of course it would be different when the person if front of you were one of the most important person in korea plus they would be your future parents in law but of course if they agree.

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