Start from the beginning

"Now? May I see your resign letter?" Taeyeon acted cold when in fact she missed the girl in front of her badly. She even willing to give away all her wealth just to be with her.

"Here." Jessica grabbed a letter covered with envelope from her purse and gave it to Taeyeon.

"Alright, I'll process it soon and as a compensation, I'll tell the finance department to give you 3 months' salary." Jessica caught off guard seeing Taeyeon's cold attitude toward her now but of course she knew it better that she was the one who made this Taeyeon out. However up until now Jessica still felt guilty and honestly she still had feelings toward Taeyeon, how she could just erase her love to Taeyeon when in fact Taeyeon gave her nothing but goodness. She never once hurt Jessica and tried with all her might to protect and love her. No matter how busy Taeyeon was, whenever Jessica needed her, Taeyeon would immediately leave her job and come to meet her.

"May I know the reason behind your resignation?" Taeyeon leaned her back comfortably on her expensive chair and folded her hands on her chest. She looked like a very arrogant boss right now.

"Yuri asked me to work under her company." Jessica actually felt afraid seeing this Taeyeon in front of her right now.

"Okay, I understand that. Now, I still have lot of works to do so if there's nothing more, you may leave, Jessica-shii." The more time Jessica spent here, the more harsh Taeyeon's attitude toward her.

"Ah, yes. I'm sorry for disturbing you, Tae. Give my greetings to your parents tomorrow." Jessica bowed and walked to the front door. As rude as Taeyeon may seem, she still tried to be polite and accompany Jessica to get out from her office.

"And if you felt guilty about our supposed to be wedding, don't worry I will still have my wedding though. The only difference would be the bride who supposed to be you yet you left me and fortunately I found somebody new. To make it short, she will be my bride so I hope you can bring your lover and come to my wedding." Taeyeon said those words while walking to the front door of her office. The words made her ex halted in front of the door, her hand already on the door knob. Jessica wanted to cry right now, she felt very hurt that instead of postpone the wedding, Taeyeon chose to just switch the bride easily like that. Jessica felt her pride crushed. She didn't want Taeyeon to see her teary eyes so she didn't turn her back.

"Is that so? Congratulations then, Tae. I'll make sure me and my lover will come to your wedding." Jessica words wavered but she tried very bad not to let Taeyeon knew her urge to cry. After saying those words, she quickly opened the door and left.

"Jessica, how I long to call you baby but I knew I couldn't anymore. You are no longer mine, you are someone else's lover. What happened with us, baby?? I love you, I still do and no matter what the love I have for you will never die." Taeyeon blurted out those words once the door shut. She locked the door and back to her seat. She grabbed the tissue on her table to wipe her tears away. But this time her crying didn't last long for suddenly her mobile phone rang and the name of the caller id flashed on her mobile phone screen.

"Yes, Fanny??" Taeyeon's voice cracked

"Taetae!!! Hmpph you didn't reply to my messages!! Where are you?? When can I meet you?? I'm sooooo hungry right now." Like a lover called her boyfriend, Tiffany nagged Taeyeon. Of course she would feel hungry when she already played with her 'toys' for more than 2 hours and she came for more than 5 times. She felt very satisfied but at the same time she felt her energy drained due to intense activities.

"Fanny-ah..it..it ehem it's still early. It's only 10 am now. Didn't you have your breakfast??" Taeyeon tried hard to speak normally do that the brunette wouldn't notice her cracking voice.

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