7> Tiffany's Requirements

Start from the beginning

"I love you Jessica. Thank you for accepting me. I promise I will make you the happiest wife alive" Taeyeon stood up from her position and hugged Jessica.

"I love you too, Tae." Jessica pulled away and kissed her lover. They kissed passionately until the ferris wheel reached the ground.

Back to the present, shall we?

"You dared to ask me why?? Taeyeon, I didn't even understand your acting toward your mother earlier, saying that I was your girlfriend, and what about saturday night? Where will you take me to, huh??" Tiffany couldn't hold up any longer and threw any questions she had in minds.

"If I say because I love you, will you believe me?" Taeyeon asked calmly.

"Oh my God Taeyeon!! I'm not that stupid!!" Tiffany burst in anger. She grabbed her hairs due to stress facing the petite girl.

"Great. Then I think I should tell you the real story then." Taeyeon looked at Tiffany's reaction. Once she saw Tiffany had calmed down, she continue her explanation.

"As I told you, I broke up with my ex 3 days ago. Hmm scratch that, she left me and broke up on me. My parents like her very much since she is charming and all. I have proposed her and she said yes yet her sudden leaving ruined all the wedding plan. I don't want my parents to blame Jessica or worse chase her and make her suffer. Well, I knew my parents wouldn't do that but just to make sure she's save, I told my mom that I left Jessica because I love you." Taeyeon paused to look at Tiffany. Tiffany nodded, signaling Taeyeon to continue.

"As you have known, I am a Kim and we aren't called The Great Kims for nothing so in order to save my parents name, I still have to continue the wedding even though with a different bride." Taeyeon finished her long explanation and waited for the brunette respond.

"So the thing is, you willing to marry me who is a stranger not to mention a slut because you want to protect the girl you love who also the one who abandoned you and let you suffer alone with this problem??" Tiffany couldn't believe Taeyeon. With all the things she could buy and have in a blink of eyes, she willing to sacrifice herself for the one she loves.

"Sighed, Yes." Taeyeon looked away, she in the brim of tears, remembering her ex.

"And why do you think I will marry you??" Tiffany folded one hand on his chest and the other tapped her chin.

"Because I'm Kim Taeyeon?" Taeyeon answered hesitantly.

"How does it relate with me wanting to marry you or not?" Tiffany encouraged herself to dare the richest girl in korea in front of her.

"In normal circumtances, who doesn't want to marry me? Which also means have the full right of my inheritance. I can fulfill all your needs, your dreams and anything you ask for" Usually Taeyeon isn't an arrogant person but this time she forced herself to offer anything to the brunette so she would accept it.

"Besides, I can buy you from the bar which also means you will be free." Taeyeon added. She gazed at Tiffany and kind of shocked seeing the uninterested look she had there.

"Wh..why?? Do you not feel tempted to all of that? I could also give you unlimited cards that you can use all you want." Taeyeon doubtly tried to add some more.

"Well for your information, I have more than enough money to make myself free anytime I want and secondly, even if I have retired, I would still have plenty of money to live and feed myself." Tiffany raised an eyebrow and looked at Taeyeon.

"I..is that so??" Taeyeon hesitated to ask. She didn't know how to respond with this situation. She never knew that Tiffany is rich already, but then again why she still works there and didn't buy herself a freedom??

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