"It's never just that," Clint muttered, shaking his head as he listened closely for any stragglers. Kate nudges him, making him look in the direction she was looking at.

"In there," Kate mouthed as she gestures to the corner shop where there was one singular zombie walking around at a snail's pace.

"I got this," Kate doesn't wait for the older man's response as she silently makes her way towards the shop, the arrow already pulled back ready to make its way home into the zombie's skull, "And you are..."

"..dead..AGAIN. Ha! Get it?" Kate finished off just as she released the arrow that hit the zombie straight in the left eye, instantly killing it.

"You're getting way too confident," Clint grumbled as he made his way towards the young woman, his own bow ready to shoot any surprise zombies.

"Learned from the best," Kate nudged Clint's shoulder a bit too hard earning a grunt as she roamed around the shop for any resources. Clint and Kate go way back before tragedy struck, the older man being Kate's coach for her college archery team. The Bishop was made captain during her 2nd year and despite everyone thinking it was because Eleanor practically paid for the team to exist, it was also because Kate was talented in the sport as well. Clint saw a lot of himself in Kate and saw the young woman as his own daughter. He felt his chest tightened at the word 'daughter'. His own daughter and his two sons never made it out of their schools the day this 'virus' was unleashed. Luckily, his wife Laura is still with him and is back at the base with everyone who Clint sees as his extended family now as well.

Their group consisted of the following:

Clint, Laura, Kate, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Peter, MJ, and Natasha.

Steve, Bucky, Tony, and Natasha were all coworkers of Clint's at Kate's college.

The football coach, history professor (who happens to be the baseball coach as well), the professor who taught about entrepreneurship, and the political science professor. They were all in the breakroom when the virus broke out in the university, all the professors rushing to get as many students as they could to safety. It seemed to work out well the first hour before the history professor got bit and all hell broke loose. The five of them stayed together and eventually found the kids (Kate, Peter, and MJ) hiding in one of the classrooms.

They have been trying to survive together for 8 months now. They were family and they would all protect each other until the end.

"Hey, look what we have here," Kate said as she grabbed something off of the shelf.

"Are those fireworks?" Clint squinted observing the item while Kate nodded excitedly.

"My mom would always take me to see the fireworks that take place every month at this park," Kate reminisced with a distant look on her face. When the group had gotten out of the university and weaponed up with whatever they could find, they all went ahead to check each and every person's house for their loved ones. First going to the Barton's where they found Laura who almost shot Tony in the face. When they went to the Bishop residency, Eleanor Bishop was nowhere to be found and Kate doesn't know if she's happy about that or not. She doesn't know if her mother is alive or not.


"I didn't even say anything!"

"I know that looks Kate. You're not keeping that, you know how much sound that makes? How many of them it would attract? It will definitely get the attention of raiders too and we don't want another close call," Clint said firmly.

Kate sighed but compiled, "Fine okay. I'll go check the other side of this shop and then we can move on." Clint nodded before turning around and covering the other half of the shop.

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