Chapter 24

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Ember and Zoltan were sitting at an open air cafe, in Hargeon, at the bar by the side of the street. They chatted about their family in Magnolia, about their siblings and about anything really. They were about to pay when someone tapped Ember's shoulder. She turned and went wide eyed, launching herself at the man.

"LILY!" She shouted, hugging the bodyguard. Lily laughed and spun her around before setting her down in her feet.

"My, look at you. Your glowing." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Oh please, that's just pregnancy." She rolled her eyes and pulled Zoltan over. "Lily, you remember Zoltan, he came through town years ago." She smiled and stood close to her boyfriend.

"Of course I do. And I can only assume, he's the reason to...uh this?" Lily gestures to Ember's swollen belly.

"Of course he is." Ember smiled. A redheaded woman walked up next to Lily. "Oh, what's your name?" She asked and smiled.

"Erza Scarlet. And you're...?" The woman asked, shaking her hand.

"Ember Dragneel."

"Ah, so your part Natsu's family?" Erza asked. Ember nodded and the four started walking around the market.

"Yeah, twin sister, actually." Ember smiled brightly, holding Zoltan's hand.

"And your the Zoltan who called Jellal?" Erza asked, walking beside him. Ember shot him a look, before continuing walking.

"Uh....yes, yes that was me." He admitted.

"Who's Jellal, if it's not too much to ask?" Ember asked, loosening her grip on Zoltan's hand.

"He is my employer. As well as my...." Erza struggled to find the right word.

"Her boyfriend." Lily said. Ember giggled and couldn't help but notice the slight limp in his step.

"Lily, is something wrong? Your limping." She said.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just an accident few weeks ago." Lily tried to brush her concern off. She frowned and poked his side lightly. He jumped and almost doubled over in pain.

"Nothing really? What happened." She demanded.

"I... I was shot." Lily muttered.

"By who?!" Ember gasped. "I-I'm so sorry! If I had known, I wouldn't have done that!" She exclaimed.
"It's alright, you didn't know. It doesn't matter who shot me, because now he's paying time for it." Lily growled. Ember frowned again and sighed, knowing she wouldn't get anything else out of him.

"If you say so." She said.

"Well, why don't we go shopping? You two can catch up, Erza and I can find souvenirs for everyone back home." Zoltan suggested. Ember smiled and kissed his cheek nodding.

"Let's go!" She shouted, dragging Zoltan behind her.

They walking around for the rest of the day, Lily and Zoltan carrying the girls bags.

"How did we get stuck with this?" Zoltan muttered to Lily. The older man shrugged and sighed as Erza put another bag on top of the ever growing pile.
"Y'know, we leave for Magnolia in two days. I think you should come with us." Ember said. They had stopped to eat dinner, at a little sushi place, near Zoltan and Embers hotel.

"How come?" Lily asked.

"Well, there's a doctor there. She's one of the best, she might have something to help you heal quicker and get stronger." Ember explained.

"We would love to, but we can't." Erza said.

"Why not?" Zoltan asked.

"Well, the others should be arriving soon. In fact, they should be here by tomorrow." Lily answered.

"Who's coming?"

"Gajeel, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Wendy and Jellal." Erza answered. Ember dropped her napkin and almost dropped her drink if Zoltan didn't grab it in enough time.

"N-Natsu's coming?" She asked. Lily nodded. Ember had to take a few deep breaths, before a wide grin spread across her lips. "When?! How long has he been on the road?! How's Happy doing, is dad with them?!" She rambled off questioned before Zoltan clamped a hand over her mouth, stopping her talking.

"Answer one at a time." Zoltan smiled. Lily chuckled and put his larger hand over Embers.

"He and Gajeel should be here soon, like I said. We've been traveling for about a year now, seeing as when we left it was summer and now it's winter." Even though it was winter, the worst Magnolia got was a small snow flurry and cold winds.

"Which, by the way Christmas is coming up." Erza added.

"Your young brother is fine, happy to be on the road with his big brother. And no, your father is not with them. Neither is Metalicana." Embers smile dropped slightly, but it returned instantly.

"Well this is fantastic! I mean, Natsu and Happy are gonna be here soon!" She exclaimed. Lily chuckled and patted her head. She quickly slapped it away and pouted at him. "Oi, I'm not a kid any more. Speaking of, how's Carla and Shagotte?" She asked.
"Carla doing well. I called her the other day, she said she's really enjoying her flying lessons." Lily said.

"What she flyin?" Zoltan asked.

"At the moment, she's learning to be a helicopter pilot." Lily answered. "Oh, and her mothers doing fine as well." He added.

"Wait, how old is she?" Erza asked.

"She'll be turning seventeen this year."

"Wow. When I was seventeen, I was still trying to get through a day without a black eye or something." Zoltan muttered. Ember patted his knee under the table and smiled softly at him. He forced a smile back and turned back to the conversation.

"Anyways, do you know what time the boys and Wendy are arriving tomorrow?" Ember asked. Erza shook her head and sighed.

"We were told to meet them here when Lily was discharged from the hospital." She said. Ember nodded. They finished dinner and went to their separate hotels for the night.

The next morning, Zoltan and Ember were walking around the shops they didn't get to yesterday. Lily and Erza were meeting the others at a cafe called Fishermen's Paradise. Despite the name, it was a lovely little cafe by the shoreside.

The two sat in the outside space, warm coats and hot coffee on the table. They spotted the others quickly and waved them over.

"So, why are we here again?" Jellal asked, sitting next to Erza.

"Looking for Levy, dumb ass." Gajeel grumbled and crossed his arms. Jellal rolled his eyes and looked at Erza.

"We are in fact looking for Levy. But we also had found something, or rather, someone that Natsu and Happy will be ecstatic to see." She explained, taking a sip of her coffee. "Also, I went ahead and ordered your drinks." She added. A waitress came by and handed Jellal a coffee, Natsu a decaf coffee, Lucy a tea, Wendy and Happy hot chocolates, Gajeel, Juvia and Gray a beer.

"I'm surprised they serve beer here." Gajeel said and drank half of his drink.

"Anyways, who's here for us?" Happy asked.

"Well, now that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it." Lily winked and chuckled at him, ruffling his blue hair. Happy pouted and rolled his eyes, before drinking his hot chocolate.

"How much longer are we gonna be here?" Gajeel asked impatiently. Lily rolled his eyes and quietly sipped his coffee.

"Not long. Don't worry, the boys will get what the want, and well be on our way to Magnolia." Lily said. Gajeel grunted and looked out at the water. Once everyone was caught up to speed, Erza paid the waitress and the group left, and walked around the market. Natsu and Happy ran ahead, following the smell of something hot and delicious. Natsu rounded a corner and froze, seeing something better then whatever food he was smelling. Happy stopped next to him, and looked up at him.

"Natsu? What's wrong?" He asked. Natsu lifted his hand and pointed at the pink head of hair, and onyx eyes. She was smiling, holding a mans hand. Happy watched her, his eyes watering as he sprinted towards her.


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