Chapter 20

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They had been on the train all day. Happy had fallen asleep on Lucy's lap, her head on Natsu's shoulder and his arm around her waist. He leaned against the window, all of them asleep. Jellal sat next to Gajeel with Wendy sleeping on his lap.

"So. You wouldn't happen to know anyone named Zoltan Dreyar, would you?" Jellal asked quietly, not wanting to wake the others up.

"Well, yeah. He rolled through Oak Town few years back, became real buddy buddy with Ember. He stayed in town for about a month, before the Dragneel's had to start up training again. Like I said, he and Ember became real buddy buddy, despite Natsu's and Igneels protests." He shrugged and looked out the window. "Why?"

"I got a call from him before we left." Jellal said quietly. "He told me to meet him at a cafe in Crocus called the Blue Bird Cafe. He said he needed to talk to me, and that he wouldn't be in town because he and his long time girlfriend would be in Hargeon." He sighed and brushed through his sisters hair lightly.

"So, what, you gonna meet him?" Gajeel wondered.

"Well, I have to, don't I? I'd like to see what this guy knows." Jellal sighed again and looked at Gajeel.

"Whatever. You gonna take Salamander with you?" He questioned, looking out he window. Jellal nodded and looked at the man across from them.

"They almost look like an actual family." He said quietly.

"Yeah, you never woulda guessed where he's come from or what he's capable of." Gajeel added. Jellal nodded before leaning his head against the back of the seat.

"Tell me about your family. Do they know your on this adventure? You've been gone for what, close to a year now?" Jellal asked.

"As far as I know, my old man thinks we're taking a boys road trip. Same with Igneel. I have no idea what my mom told them." Gajeel shrugged and rubbed his face, trying to stay awake longer then he should be. When ever he's on a train, he feels like he's about to pass out, same with Natsu. Neither of them really knew why, they just accepted it and moved on with their lives. Wendy started stirring slightly and whimpering in her sleep, making Jellal freeze slightly.

"Hey, can you sing?" He asked hurriedly. Gajeel looked at him like he grew a second head. Sure, he could sorta sing, but he hardly ever did, even with Levy, he hardly sang.

"Why?" He settled for a question, seeing if he should really sing.

"Wendy gets nightmares sometimes. Either my mother or Erza would sing to her to help her fall back asleep. I can't sing to save my life, and Lucy's asleep. Can you?" Jellal asked again, an almost begging tone in his voice. Gajeel rolled his eyes and took Wendy without another word, resting her back against the window. Gajeel thought of a few different songs he learned as a kid. One of his favorites was God for a Day by Art of Dying.

"You say a little pray, for everybody else, from your own private hell. I know about your hurting I know about your past. Why you almost never laugh. We're all getting something from someone. What about you. What about you. If I was god for a day I would take it all away, give all my power for 24 good hours. Lift you up above the storm let your wing mend. I would make it all okay, if I was god for a day..." He stopped when he realized Wendy had fallen back asleep, and handed her back to her brother.

"Wow. I never would've taken you as the type to sing in the first place." Jellal chuckled and adjusted Wendy on his lap.

"Yeah, well. My mom actually used to sing it to me when I was a kid. Helped me fall asleep too." Gajeel grumbled and cross his arms, returning to the scowling man from before. Jellal chuckled again before closing his eyes. Gajeel was about to do the same, when he noticed Lucy's brown eyes staring intently at him. "What?" He growled. She smiled softly and closed her eyes again. He sighed and closing his eyes for the rest of the trip.

I Found You {Gale/Gajevy} [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin