Doing Favors (3)

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With a swing of his arm, Kim Namwoon easily slashed the man's neck from behind. He fell onto the floor with wide eyes, clutching onto the wound, and uselessly attempted to stop choking on his own blood.

Namwoon watched in satisfaction, but something caught his attention at the corner of his vision.

Like the only dependable and responsible adult, Lee Hyunsung shielded the group from any ranged assaults.

Lee Jihye and Na Bori stood back to back, a sword and a staff in their respective hands. When Bori defended, Jihye would swiftly follow with a sharp and precise attack. It was a perfect combination, like fitting puzzles falling into their places.

Yoo Joonghyuk was the most brutal and aggressive. Every time a group attacked them, he easily made way for the others, paving a path with his own sword.

He truly could not believe this.

Moving with a group was never part of his initial plan, but as Kim Dokja said, trying to occupy 10 stations would take too much time, and he didn't have long.

It also didn't come as a surprise when he realized that the progress is much faster than what he had expected.

Yoo Joonghyuk wordlessly absorbed the station's flag.

Meanwhile, Jihye wiped the small sweat that had formed on her forehead, her other hand holding the hilt of the sword as the tip touched the ground. She was panting but didn't seem tired at all. If anything, she felt refreshed. The light was shining down on her, flawlessly highlighting her features.

Kim Namwoon blinked slowly at the sight but soon snapped out of his daze when he felt a nudge on his ribs.

"What are you looking at, hm?" Na Bori asked, and he didn't miss the teasing tone beneath her innocent question.

"What're you talkin' about? I wasn't looking at anything," Namwoon grumbled, averting his gaze to avoid hers.

"Right..." Bori nodded slowly with a small twitch of her lips. She turned towards Yoo Joonghyuk. "Hey, mister, how much more do we need?"

Joonghyuk briefly spared her a glance. She thought he would outwardly ignore the question but was surprised to hear him respond. "Six more stations."

"Then let's go hunt for them," Kim Namwoon interjected with a gleeful grin on his face.

• • •

"Listen dude, I really don't know sh*t about the guy. All I know is that he's extremely dangerous," The avatar of Han Sooyoung said. He had completely abandoned his fake persona at some point and returned to his original one. "We call him the Crimson Reaper."

Kim Dokja frowned at his words, while Cale looked away.

It feels weird hearing about you from another person's mouth without them knowing it's you that they're talking about.

But most importantly...

'What kind of vicious name is Crimson Reaper? What the hell? Well, at least it's better than White Star.'

"So he has red hair and wears a white mask..." Kim Dokja mumbled. He was frowning, seemingly thinking deeply. Suddenly, he calls out, "Cale."

The said man subtly tensed.


"Have you heard of him? Since you went away for a while and took over other stations, I assume you heard about a few things."

Cale's indifferent gaze met Dokja's onyx eyes, but internally, he cursed.

'Sh*t, he suspects something.'

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