Wrecking Havoc (3)

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'I don't trust him.'

'It's a lie.'

'Don't fall for it.'

'People are the same.'

'It's going to happen all over again.'

'I can't trust anyone. Especially not when—'

Many thoughts had crossed Han Donghoon's mind as he gripped onto Cale's shoulders while they were flying away from the station.

He knows he's useful. He's extremely skilled for someone at the beginning of scenarios, and his skills will only continue to grow. But Donghoon does not like being used, especially without his own will.

Although he was under the hypnosis, his mind remembered every horrid moment. He could still feel the rope tightly binding him in place, a rough fabric clasping his nose and mouth as he struggled against his captors before his mind slowly becomes hazy.

After that, he was out of touch from reality. His body moving without following his command. To him, not having control over his own limbs felt unsettling and absolutely terrifying, as if somebody else had possessed him and he's forced to watch everything at the front seat without being able to do anything than simply exist.

Then Cale appeared, using the same method of clasping his nose and mouth. Except this time, Donghoon felt his body returning to him.

This stranger had claimed that he will kill the prophets for him, and obviously, the boy is smart enough to be wary.

'I'll follow him to get out of here and finally escape.'

That was his plan. To run away from Dongmyo Station, this unknown man, and everything else. He's going to survive on his own because no one can be trusted.

Then he spotted two other people, and the gears in his head began turning.

Was this planned? Did they plan to just take him and go? Why?

He knows he's a bit more capable than others, but it was still not a proper reason to go out of their way for him, especially since his abilities aren't exactly known by a lot of people.

Did these people look for him simply because they heard rumors of it? That's stupid.

But he was unable to express his thoughts. Not when Cale suddenly swayed and coughed violently.

Both of their grips on each other has loosened in surprise, but thankfully, the girl his age quickly caught him.

Donghoon's eyes widened, watching the sight with shaking pupils.

The stoic man was spilling out blood, and the other two urgently called out his name non-stop.

Meanwhile, the boy can only stand there, frozen. His mind turning into a jumbling mess in an instant.

Blood. There was so much blood.

He didn't say anything, even as they rushed into an unknown place he knew nothing about.

Once the group arrived in Gumho Station, another series of chaos ensued upon catching the sight of an unconscious and bloodied Cale. Yoo Joonghyuk thought that this might even rival the mess when people are going through main scenarios.

Upon hearing the commotion, Kim Namwoon got out of the tent, his body completely healed by the potions and people with healing related skills then he quickly approached them, glaring daggers at Yoo Joonghyuk. But his face instantly paled after seeing the man on his back.

"Hyung!" He exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing and his eyes widening in horror.

He observed Na Bori and the new stranger before his gaze landed on Yoo Joonghyuk. However, there was no hatred in them, only concern and anger that no one understood where it had come from.

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