How It Began (2)

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Cale felt as if every inch of his skin was being electrocuted, each of his cells are burning hot. His head was pounding, and he never wanted to faint as much as he does now. But he couldn't. His senses heightened and his consciousness stayed. He was forced to endure this.

'That damn son of a bitch of a god!'

It hurts so badly. He just wanted to get this over with, for the seemingly neverending pain to stop.

Once it did, he was overcome with numbness. His legs instantly felt wobbly, and his vision blurred.

Cale started to fall forward, until a cold pair of arms caught his limp figure.


The red haired young man slowly lifted his head and his half-lidded eyes met a pair of light blue orbs — a warm gaze, the opposite of the stranger's cold temperature.

For some reason, in his head, he instantly knew.

This person... He's not alive.

Cale opened his mouth to speak, and the first thing that came out of his mouth is, "Are you dead?"

The fawn haired boy who seems to be in his teens, wearing a butler uniform (oddly reminds him of Hans), shot him a wide grin. "I guess you can say that."

'...Holy shit, he's a ghost?'

At this point, Cale shouldn't even be surprised. God of Death's helper being ghosts is to be expected. After all, ghosts are wandering souls. They're people who were long dead. Thankfully, his stoic expression didn't waver. Instead, he tried to collect himself again before finally standing up on his own.

The boy looked over him with concern, observing Cale from head to toe and nodded to himself. "You seem alright now. I'm deeply sorry about that. It may feel a little bit painful at first, but you'll definitely get accustomed to the teleportation process soon!" He said, fully indicating that this won't be the last time the redhead will experience it.

He doesn't want to get used to it at all.

Brushing the rest of his thoughts away, Cale decided to look around, calmly noting his surroundings. "Where are we?"

He was standing in the middle of a large garden and he could see a big white mansion. It looks a bit old and has a vintage feel to it, moreover it looks really grand.

'...Feels a bit creepy.'

"Ah, right, of course! Let me introduce myself first!" The boy said cheerfully and did a quick 90°degree bow. "Welcome, Young Master Cale. This mansion will be the place you're staying in. We're currently in Seoul, South Korea. My name is Eliezer, I'm your butler and guide who's assigned to properly serve you and fulfill your needs," The young butler, Eliezer, began to explain.

Cale felt a bit iffy, but at least the God of Death kept his word. He had a feeling that he'll receive a lot of money.

"There are also others inside the mansion who are going to help you. We're all here to make your stay as comfortable as possible!"

He didn't need to ask to know that everyone here is a ghost.

Cale almost couldn't hold back his shudder.

'That fucking God of Death can't even give me normal helpers. Ghosts? Seriously? They're literally vicious creatures. How am I supposed to live comfortably if I'm surrounded by them all the time?! Aigoo, I'm gonna get a headache.'

"...Then, I'll be in your care, Eliezer," He said with a polite nod, and the butler seemed to respond with an energetic expression.

Cale was led into the mansion. If the outer appearance was grand, it was nothing compared to the interior design. "It's like the Victorian Era from England or something..." He mumbled to himself, gently caressing a fancy looking grandfather clock near the entrance.

˗ˏˋ SOMNAMBULIST [crossover] ᶠⁱᶜ 'ˎ˗Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin