DR1. Monza

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What a week!
1st of all HOW this has 330k reads is beyond me! Thank you so much!
2nd Danny Ric back in Red Bull baby!!

The cheers of my name are making me want to giggle like a five year old who just won their first ever football trophy. I know what that sounds like, Ben won his first game last week and here I am, same expression on my face. Hands slap me on the back in congratulations, champagne bottles are passed in my direction every time I 'misplace' the one before.

For probably the first time ever, I don't want to get disgustingly drunk after winning. I want to remember this, all of it. To be able to think back to this day, the feel of the trophy in my hands, the cheer of the crowd in my ears. Most of all just the sheer joy of what it feels like, to be able to say that I'm an eight time race winner. All the struggles my parents went through, all the things I've missed out on birthdays, weddings, family events - days like this make them all worth it. I want to be able to remember it.

"I can't believe it." It's the hundredth time I've said the words in the hours since climbing out of the car. Michael just laughs at me, his smile hasn't dropped yet either. I'm not sure we'll ever lose the expression. Truthfully, I can believe it. I've put in the hours, I've done the work. I deserved the win, I know as much - today just feels like a dream. I feel like any minute I'll wake up and it will be 7am, the day about to start, none of this will have happened. I make a silent prayer that won't be the case.

I'm pressing another disbelieving hand to my forehead when my eyes get caught on a streak of sparkling light, glimmering in my eye for only a moment before it's gone. When my eyes skim back in the direction of the shimmer it appears to be a dress. The glitter attached to the black material catching the lights as it moves through the room. It grasps my attention, especially when the girl, no, woman wearing the dress leans over the bar a little waving in the direction of the barman who pays her no attention.

How he could ever ignore her is beyond me. I don't understand. The light on her dress in the wrong way for half a second has my eyes stuck to her, her brown hair, tanned skin and long legs, accented by the heels strapped to her feet.

"Hey, do you recognise her?" The question is almost shouted into Michael's ear over the music. He turns around, following my eyes to the bar, the unknown woman scanning the area we're in, eyes a little squinted as she searches before sighing - I catch the way her chest moves my eyes getting stuck for a moment before going back to her face. Her pink lips settle into a small smile as she slouches against the bar once more a small shake of her head.

She's stunning.

"She looks familiar mate." Michael shrugs before continuing. "Don't know where from." He admits and I nod in agreement. Although, she's not familiar to me. "You sure she's not some member of the team? Like in the back or something?" He asks eyes narrowed as if he shifting through every face he's ever seen in the garages. I shake my head immediately.

I'd know if I'd seen her in a meeting before, I'm sure if it. I don't know how but I just know I'd remember her. Whoever she is. For some reason her face would stay in my mind, I just know it.

"I'm gonna go and say hey."

"Really?" Michael is looking at me skeptically. If it were thirty minutes ago I'd probably be looking at me the same way, this party was to celebrate me. I shouldn't be hiding in the corner trying to pick up some girl, or getting to know someone I don't already know. Now is the time to laugh with my friends, celebrate with the team. Yet I find myself nodding at Michael, saluting him as a way of saying 'bye' as I slip away towards the bar area.

He's unimpressed with the disappearance, I can read it all over his face. I don't let it bother me too much. I smile for photos as I move through groups of people, receiving more congratulations from other team members. I'm sure they'll have said it at least three times by now, their words becoming more slurred with each cheer of words. It only makes me smile a little wider.

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