42. Spiralling

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I know I promised fluff but...I'm very sorry in advance.

"I'll be in denial for at least a little while," - TV, Billie Eilish

"Amber, I really think you need to speak to Daniel..." Lilly trails off cryptically at the other side of the line. Everything had been fine. I'd called her after leaving the local store, a tote bag filled with fruit juice, red wine, sweets and other goodies hooked over my arm. It's the first time we've had a chance to catch up for four days, the last contact we had being on Sunday afternoon and it's now Thursday afternoon. Daniel and I only had a day left in paradise before we headed to LA tomorrow night. 24 whole hours of perfection before reality hits (kind of) and we're back in the company of others. His family is joining us in LA along with Michael and a few friends, as much as I've been enjoying the last few days I'm excited to see everyone.

But the call was fine!

I told her about the flight, our hotel and our adventures around the sunny Greek island. I laughed explaining how yesterday we rented a quad bike to explore and ended up getting lost at sunset, Daniel climbing over random rocks and almost throwing himself down a steep path just to see the view at the end of it. I smiled when she told me about the photos both Lando and Lu had been posting of their trip. The smile was mostly because of the (reportedly) adorable pictures of my gorgeous niece that had been shared - I've been strategically avoiding social media to stop getting my feelings hurt. Everything was good.

Until the cautious question of 'how is Daniel doing?' Left Lilly's lips. I knew straight away something wasn't quite right. I know Lill too well to not read into it further. Her tone was too flat, question too concerned and more importantly she never asks about Daniel specifically unless she knows there's gossip.

"Why exactly do I need to speak to Daniel?" I repeat my earlier question my eyes narrowing behind Daniel's sunglasses (which I think I've now permanently claimed as my own).

"I-" lilly chokes on the other side of the line, static crackling through my ear as I pause in my place. Our suite is only about 100 metres away, I can see the stairs to it from where I'm stood. The tension over the phone has me frozen in place.

"Has he done something?" I ask quickly, my toe almost tapping on the white stone path below me as I look out to the blue ocean. The view from our room is better but I can't bring myself to go there until Lilly gives me some answers.

"No!" Lilly says quickly, some of my worries immediately dip away and a small wave of relief washes over me. "I don't think he'd do anything stupid to you even if he wanted to." Lill explains plainly, no hint of sarcasm or joking in her voice. I didn't think so either, but the tone of her voice made me so nervous and the fact she won't say...of course my mind to the worst place. "He's so in love with you it makes me feel a bit sick." Lilly mutters and I can almost picture her picking at her nails as she says the words, pulling a face and her brown eyes rolling hard in her head. I sigh at the secrecy of our conversation and she clears her throat awkwardly.

"I would maybe just go online for five minutes?" Lilly suggests, again her voice cautious and suggestive. I nod to myself at the rhetorical question, itching to end the call so I can do just that.

"Okay," I mumble cautiously, almost defeated into the speaker of the phone. We say our goodbyes fairly quickly after that. Lill makes me promise not to stress too much and I half heartedly agree.

As soon as the call ends I go to my Instagram, it's always been my social media of choice. I've barely glanced at the app in the whole time we've been here. I've barely even looked in the direction of my phone if it's not to snap a quick photo of Daniel or the breathtaking views of the island.

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