"𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙢!" - (𝘽𝙁!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙, 𝘿𝘿, 𝙈𝙈 𝙛𝙩. 𝙃𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙣)

447 4 9

Request by: MikeZ360
Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy!

A/N's: The Reader is taller than the parents and GF to fit w/ the narrative I want to make. I also used my screenplay format again cause I haven't written in this format in a bit.


[Y/N] stood at the top of the stairs of a Victorian mansion. Rubbing the bottom of his thumb against his blue fingernails, he pressed the doorbell with his available hand. Still clutching onto the bouquet of assorted red and pink flowers he had brought with him.

He didn't quite know what to expect, having this been the first time he's been to his girlfriend's house. His first impression was... well, it was very expensive looking. Tons of details were set across the entire lot, such as the delicate and wispy details on the door trim and the evenly cut grass in the front lawn.

[Y/N] felt like he was in front of some celebrity's house just thinking about the fineries of this place. He couldn't have imagine himself living here, even if he had the money! It was far out of his comfort zone.

The abrupt sound of the front door creaking open snapped [Y/N] out of his thoughts. Laying his eyes on a shorter and rather handsome male figure with a chiseled chin and slicked back, grey hair. Complimenting his black scleras and purple-hued skin.

DD: May I help you? He inquired lowly, glaring up at the taller male.
Reader: Is this Girlfriend's house? He asked, not realizing his expression was rather intimidating to say the least.
DD: Yes...? The demonic male cocked a brow, baffled by who this was and what he wanted with his little girl. He gripped onto the door, his pupils becoming a wine red color. And who might you be?

GF: Daddy, who's at the door? The cheery, feminine voice called out. Her heels clacking against the marble floors as she approached the front door. Standing next to her father, her eyes lit up as she saw [Y/N]. Oh, [Y/N]~ You're here!
DD: He looked down to his daughter in shock. Hold up, you know this punk??
GF: Yeah, he's my boyfriend. She explained with a giggle, about to step out to greet the taller male.

Daddy Dearest hastily grabs Girlfriend by the back of her red dress. His shock quickly turned to anger.

DD: Oh no you don't! He picked Girlfriend up, turning them both around as he slammed the door shut. Honey, come down here! We have a situation!
MM: What's going on, sugar? She queried, making her way down the grand, windy staircase. Her curly, auburn hair bounced with every step she took. She approached her beloved and daughter with an arched brow, hands resting upon her hips.

DD: Our daughter got herself another boyfriend! He cried out, unleashing Girlfriend from his grasp.
MM: Another?? She asked with a strong accent, rushing over to the front window.

Mommy Mearest pushed the sheer curtain aside, peeking out the window and to the front step. Finding [Y/N] still standing there with the bouquet of flowers, staring at the door. A chill ran up her spine as she dropped the curtain.

MM: Oh my god... She muttered, turning back to DD, who was walking over to her. Who is that?? She exclaimed under her breath, audible enough for her husband to hear.
DD: That's what I'm saying! He agreed, bringing the two into a huddle. There's something about that punk.... I can't place my finger on it.
MM: She nods in agreement, gazing down to Daddy Dearest. You sense it too?
DD: Yes, very much so.

He glanced over to Girlfriend, who glared furiously at the two as the Henchmen stood at the front door. Guarding it with their stupid, giddy expressions. DD turned back to his wife as she spoke.

MM: Gah, what was that show the blue-haired one watched? Uhh... DragonBall?
DD: Hmmm yes, I believe so. Do you think he's one of them.
MM: She hums in an agreement. Indeed, we should check.

The two break from their huddle, making their way to the front door. The Henchmen moved out of the way as Daddy Dearest grabbed the doorknob, turning the knob to the right and opening the door. [Y/N] still stood at the doorstep, looking down to the couple with a blank expression.

MM: She clears her throat, trying to calm her nerves. So... you're dating my daughter? She asks nonchalantly, some uneasiness present in her tone.
Reader: Yes ma'am. He nods, keeping eye contact with both parents. I plan to treat her well.
MM: I see... Well then-
DD: Show us your golden spikes, kid! He yells out, pointing aggressively at [Y/N]'s pecs.

[Y/N] raises a brow, confused by what Daddy Dearest meant. He had [H/C] hair, not golden. And it definitely wasn't spiky by all means.

Reader: I'm sorry, call again?
DD: You're one of them! With the uh, different colored hairs a-and the muscles! He insisted, furrowing his brows at [Y/N].
Reader: Oooh. He arched his brows up, forming an O-shape with his lips as he realized what Daddy Dearest was talking about. I'm sorry sir, I'm not a Saiyan. He said with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck with his available hand.

DD: You must be! He cried defensively. Y-You look like that!
GF: He's not a Saiyan, dad. She scoffed, pushing past her parents and standing beside [Y/N]. Wrapping her arm around his muscular forearm. Saiyans are a work of fiction. It's from anime; anime's not real.
DD: Then why does he look like that? He asked in astonishment.

Reader: I actually own a gym downtown, sir. I teach some classes and help others achieve their fitness goals. He said with a genuine smile. Unfazed by Daddy Dearest glaring up at him.
MM: My, what an achievement. She commented, crossing her arms casually in front of her. That's more than the last one ever did. Don't you agree, love?

Daddy Dearest grumbles, his wine red pupil glowing a more prominent red color. Refusing to answer his wife. Mommy Mearest pushes DD inside, closing the door behind her.

MM: I'm so sorry about that, sweetie. He can be a lot. She apologizes with a smirk.
Reader: No worries ma'am. He was just trying to protect his daughter. Speaking of... He looks down to Girlfriend softly, handing her the bouquet of flowers. These are for you.
GF: Oh my god! She took the flowers, smiling widely. They're so pretty! She brings the bouquet to her nose, smelling them. Mmm they smell good too! Thank you, [Y/N]!
Reader: Of course! He grins.

MM: You two run off now, I'll take care of your father, dear.
GF: Sweet! Thanks momma! She reaches out to Mommy Mearest, the two sharing an embrace. Oh! Can you place these in my room please? She asks, holding the flowers out in front of her.
MM: No problem. She accepts the flowers, opening the front door. Heading back inside the mansion. Have fun, nice to meet you dear!
GF: She nods. Will do! Bye mom! She waves goodbye, her and [Y/N] heading down the stairs and onto their date.

𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧' 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 {𝙾𝙽 𝙷𝙸𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂}Where stories live. Discover now