• Chapter 44 •

Start from the beginning

Tommy furrowed his brows, "Actually, I rather like it. Wait...did you say- 'innit'?"

I shook it off, "Y- Yeah....I dunno why, sorry. That's weird I sorta just said it."

"Mhm." He hummed.

"It felt...natural. It felt right, and yet- I never call anything girly." I pinched my nose bridge, "Ugh, my head is throbbing."

He took it off and set it back on the rack, "You okay?"

I took a deep breath then nodded, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry."

"No, don't apologize-  I just wanna make sure you're okay." He hummed then kissed my hand.

I blushed lightly then he pulled me along with him, "C'mon, let's go to the food court."

I nodded and followed him as we walked along to the food court.

• Time Skip •

Tommy POV

We made it there and I looked around at things we could get. Though there was only ever one thing I really wanted, and ofcourse that was ice cream.

Ranboo POV

Tommy gasped, "Oh! Let's get an ice cream, Ran!"

I laughed, "Tommy, like half an hour ago we-" I shook my head, "Sorry- I- I dunno what I'm saying...uh- Yeah. Let's get an ice cream."

He looked at me intrigued but then shook it off, smiling happily, "C'mon then."

Ice cream.

I thought it was brownies....no, no- It was ice cream. I know for sure it was cold. A vanilla ice cream cone. I'd buy, he'd take a picture, run away, and I'd spin him around.

But....that was just a dream. That wouldn't actually happen.

We walked over and Tommy ordered an ice cream cone. I cut in and payed for it, then we waited on the side. When it was done, they called out Tommy's name.

Well sure it's the same- This is just normal. I mean- it's as simple as ordering ice cream. He just so happened to get a vanilla ice cream cone. Which isn't odd at all.

He went and grabbed it then took his phone out, "Let's lick it like they do in the movies Ran!"

I furrowed my brows at him, "Sorry?"

He blushed lightly embarrassed, "Uh...let's-"

"No. I heard what you said, it's just that- I dunno..." I rubbed my forehead then continued, "It feels so uh- what's the word?" I mumbled.

"You usually say natural...,but it's more familiar, no?" Tommy said softly.

My eyes widened, "Y- Yeah! Like it's just happened before, y'know?! Like this was meant to be or something! I dunno, like- like we were meant to-...."

"Oh," He awkwardly laughed, "uh-"

"Not like that! Not like I- I like you or anything!" I scoffed, "Cause like, your straight and stuff."

He cleared his throat, "Oh."

It got awkward. He moved the ice cream out towards me, "Just- You have it."

I shook my head, "No, c'mon. Let's have it like in the movies....y- you can even take a picture, if you want."

He finally lightened up a little, "Okay- Yeah. Ready, one, two, three-"

We both licked the ice cream cone and he snapped a pic. Tommy giggled and pulled it away from me. He began eating it then I scoffed, "Lemme have some Toms."

Oh. "Toms"....I said it. But- why would I say that? When do I ever call him that?

He blushed brightly, "Sorry?"

"C- Can I have some?" I asked avoiding what he was actually talking about.

"No the uhm- the p- nickname." He smiled a little.

I cleared my throat, "Toms."

He smiled to himself, then put it up for me and I leaned in to have some. He pushed it to my face and then pulled back. There was ice cream on my nose and mouth.

He went into a fit of giggles and took a picture. I wiped my face, "Tommy, I'm gonna-"

"Murder me? Jeez c'mon Ran. You wanna do more than that to me...." He covered his mouth immediately.

My eyes really widened this time, "What?"

1,240 words
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