Chapter One. White Lies

Start from the beginning

"P-promise?" Yoongi said, and the look he gave him killed him. So desperate and needy.

Hoseok didn't want to lie to him anymore. He couldn't promise him such a thing...

Instead, he flicked the pale blonde's forehead, giving him a hint of a smirk. "Aww, since when did Meanie Yoonie start being such a cutie?"

Yoongi seemed to momentarily forget what they were talking about as he scrunched up his nose at Hoseok's comment and smacked his arm playfully.

"Shut up," he scolded him quietly, his pale face gaining a little colour as he smiled slightly. The younger felt his heart soar.

But then the smile faded suddenly, and a tear splashed down Yoongi's face. Like a dewdrop slipping down the petal of a pale pink rose. Hoseok's smile faded at this as well.

He'd an impulse to wipe the tears away with his own finger, but before he could work it out, Yoongi quickly rubbed them away with his sweater paw. He looked at him the whole time, and something broke within him.

"I-I don't know what to do," Yoongi spoke in a broken whisper. "Jimin w-woke up hours ago and all he did was cry and cry in my arms. The doctor said it was because of the shock and trauma of the accident."

Hoseok was speechless with mental pain which was slowly becoming physical. He listened to the other in silence.

"He didn't eat anything the whole time. H-he didn't want to l-live anymore, Hobi." Yoongi's shoulders shook as he wiped more tears, rubbing his eyes so hard they'd started to get redder and more puffy.

"H-he fell asleep again before I came to check on y-you guys, and I-I-I'm so scared. W-what if he doesn't get b-better?" Yoongi's eyes were wide with fear.

Hoseok shook his head in total disagreement. "You're overthinking it. Jimin will be fine once the shock wears off. He just needs time, and comfort." He dared to take a step closer to Yoongi, and looked deeply into his dark eyes. "And I know you're ready to do anything for him."

Yoongi nodded. "I love him, Hobi."

"I know you do," Hoseok smiled, though his chest hurt. "So, don't worry. It'll be okay."

Yoongi believed him, and so he nodded in response. Both of them stayed like that for moments, as Hoseok tried to control the mental pain he was going through as the other kept his gaze on the ground, trying to control his sudden wave of emotions. He'd never broken down like this.

"T-thank you," Yoongi mumbled, once his crying subsided.

Hoseok looked at him, confused. "For what?"

"For not judging me."

"Why would I judge you, Yoongi?" Hoseok asked softly.

"It's just... everyone sees me as being all rough and tough... no one really believes I'm able to feel vulnerable at times. And I don't feel like I can show how whiny I really am to others, not even Jimin. I've always thought I'd be the one to comfort him, not worry him with my stupid feelings." Yoongi gave a weak smile.

Hoseok's heart broke, if it hadn't already. But when he smiled at him, it was genuine.

"I'm glad you trust me enough to let your guard down in front of me. I can't ever dream of breaking this trust. And your feelings aren't stupid, Yoongi. Remember that."

The pale blonde nodded slowly, wiping his face stained with tears before looking up at the other again. Hoseok never saw this new vulnerability in his eyes, and he was glad Yoongi confided enough in him to show this to him.

"I-I'll go now," he said softly. "Jimin needs to eat something so I'll go grab something from the food court."

"Sure." Hoseok gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll text you when the doctors inform us about Jin's state."

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