Makoto szuka żony cz. 2

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Mukuro Ikusaba.

I tutaj znowu dochodzimy do pewnych rozbieżności

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I tutaj znowu dochodzimy do pewnych rozbieżności. Tak Mukuro na pewno czuła coś do niego w grze, jednak ten ostatni free time event daje do myślenia no i jeszcze jest danganronpa if.

To be honest, I'm kinda fed up with all this.
We're all ultimates, right? So we get carried away and rush face-first into stuff...
Even I have to wonder if it's okay to live like that...

Are you thinking of quitting modeling or something?

Dreams are meant to change as you grow up, right?
Depending on where you're at—kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, high school...

But I've had the same dream since I was a little kid, and I've been rushing toward it ever since.
So I've never really had to think all that hard about my dreams.

But what's wrong with that? It just means you still feel the same way about it, right?

That's what I used to think.
But if it doesn't change, your possibilities can't grow, right? That's how new opportunities are born.

And up until now, I never did that. I never let my dreams grow...
All I saw was that one dream. I put everything I had into that one narrow little world...
I feel like there's so much more I could be doing that I'm not, and I don't like that feeling...
So I think I'm going to start looking for it...
Is it childish of me to think like that? Am I just being a baby?

No, not at all...
I'm the same way. I'm still trying to figure out what it is I want to do.
And sometimes I feel like I'll never find it...
I feel like maybe I'll spend the rest of my life looking for it...
But I'm not sure it's even about finding it or not finding it...
Maybe the important thing is that you're *looking* for it.

Makoto, you...
You actually sounded kinda cool right now!

N-No, that's not what I was trying to—

But you could be right.

Getting lost can be a good thing! As long as you're looking for it, maybe that's enough to be happy...

Yeah. I'm gonna remember what you said.
Thanks, Makoto...


In return, I promise that if I do decide to kill someone, it won't be you!

D-Don't say scary stuff like that!


I'm glad I was able to talk to Junko like this. I think I understand her a lot better now...
I feel like maybe we've finally become friends in the truest sense of the word.

Musimy pamiętać, że zgodnie z tym co było powiedziane w IF ta rozmowa była pierwszą i jedyną, jakiej wcześniej nie zaplanowała Junko.

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