94| Happy Memories

Start from the beginning

Shaking my head, I could hear Umbridge talking through the doors. The Great Hall used to be filled with happy words from all the students, talking joyously about how they couldn't wait to get to Hogsmeade tomorrow. But now, The Great Hall was silent. The first years weren't talking about the sorts of spells that they wanted to learn and Dumbledore wasn't giving his usual speech before everyone started eating. Was Dumbledore even in there?

Turning back towards the stairs, I left the doors of The Great Hall. I was never going in there again for the rest of this year. I had a better way to get food anyway and I'm sure that Umbridge doesn't want to see me after the incident in the courtyard. Maybe she was going to put me in detention or back in the cellar she had for me back in the dungeons, either would be suitable. 

I walked down the familiar corridor that was covered from top to bottom with paintings of food. The painting of the fruit bowl had stood out as I stopped myself in front of it and tickled the pear. With a laugh from the pear, a door handle had appeared. I remember Cedric bringing me here, showing me how to enter the kitchens. Maisie must be super sad. 

Opening the painting with a few worried looks around the corridor, I closed the painting behind me and was welcomed with the scent of eggs and pancakes. Bacon was also cooking, but it had recently just been started. House elves were walking around the room, trays of food in hands with a few goblets filled with pumpkin juice. I didn't know how much I missed this place till now. 

''Master Y/n!'' A familiar squeaky voice had called, rushing towards me with her arms held in the air at my arrival. I looked over and instantly smiled at the sight of Maisie, her frail body hugging around my leg. 

''Hello, Maisie.'' I greeted, crouching down to her height to give her a hug. ''How have you been?'' I asked the elf, placing my hands on her shoulders as I looked at her face. She looked alright from first glance, but I could tell, she had been sad. 

''I miss Master Cedric, deeply.'' She admitted, looking down as she fidgeted with her fingers. 

''I do too.'' I rubbed her back, blinking away the tears that were starting to form in my eyes. 

''He seemed happiest when he had brought you.'' Maisie informed, a smile coming across her face the more she thought back to the memory. ''We all were.'' She looked back at the other house elves that were working around the kitchen, most of them turning around to look at me with smiles. 

''Has Umbridge done anything to any of you?'' I asked, worried for the small creatures. 

''Not yet.'' A house elf spoke, walking up to Maisie and I. 

''We stay here, hoping that she never finds us.'' Another house elf spoke, moving towards an oven in the corner of the room. 

''Master Y/n, this is Andy.'' Maisie introduced the other elf. He meekly waved his bony hand at me, his green eyes flickering from me and back to the floor. I smiled at Andy, it was adorable when the house elves were shy. 

''Hello Andy, it's a pleasure to meet you.'' I bowed my head at him. And Maisie jumped with a smile before bouncing away to continue cooking the eggs in the pan. I turned back to siege, remembering why I had been here . ''Do you think I could get some breakfast? I'm trying to avoid Umbridge by coming here instead of up there.'' I pointed up to where The Great Hall was located. 

''Oh, yes!'' Maisie jumped, clapping a few times. ''What would Master Y/n like this morning?'' She asked, patiently awaiting for what I had wished for. 

''How about two plates of bacon, eggs and pancakes? Something simple enough for this morning.'' I shrugged. 

''Yes, yes! I shall get right on that.'' Maisie rushed off, ecstatic to start the food. I remember Hermione saying that she felt sympathy for the house elves and wanted to let them be free. Surely enough, she didn't 't 't get herself many elf friends for that. They wanted to stay where they were and I respected that. 

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