40 - Lecture time

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I was right: lecture time.

I took a deep breath to ready myself and exhaled. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Just interesting is all," Wolfe said, though I imagine there's much more to his query than it just being of interest. "I didn't think you were ready for something serious."

"I don't know that I am,” I said, feeling certifiably uncomfortable. “It's just a toothbrush, Wolfe. Clean teeth and fresh breath is far more preferable than the alternative. And besides, he's a smoker. It's more for my benefit that he has access to a toothbrush here."

“Seems like a pretty committed move to me, Edes. I’m just worried you’re getting in too deep, too quickly.”

“He’s not living here, Wolfe. He just left a toothbrush. Why are you being weird about this?”

“Edes, I’m just worried. You were dating a bunch of twats only a few weeks ago, and now you’re all serious-like with toothbrushes and shit with a guy I’ve never even met. You can’t seriously hold it against me for being nervous that you’re getting in deep with a new guy after effectively just ending a long-term relationship that you were miserable in. I’m concerned you’re jumping from one to another without taking your time to just be with yourself first.”

I sighed deeply, trying to retain my composure. I get where Wolfe is coming from, and if I stop and think about it clearly, I would probably be the same with him if he were in my situation. But that doesn’t stop me from being annoyed that he is effectively undermining my trust in my own feelings about Austin, which I’m sure I know a little better than he does, despite what he seems to think right now.

“Wolfe, I like him. I connected with him instantly unlike all the other guys I’ve gone out with recently. He’s smart. He’s hot. He’s fun. We have a great time together. The sex is insanely good. Probably the best I’ve ever had to date,” I said, rolling my eyes when he cringed. “We laugh, we hang out, we go out. It’s fun. I’m happy. Why is this a problem for you?”

"It’s just… Intensity isn't always sustainable, Edes," Wolfe said seriously, echoing his wife’s sentiments from the other day. I imagine they spoke about it when Luna went home from work that night, but they’re always pretty hivemind-y these days so it could even be that they shared the same opinion on the matter of my relationship without even chatting it through. "Insert comets burning out quick analogy here."

“Then let it burn out. If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen and I can’t control that. But for now, it feels good, and my patience is wearing dangerously thin with your scepticism. I know it’s coming from a good place, and I know you only want what’s best for me. But I need you to trust me, and it bothers me that it feels like you don’t right now.”

Fucking hell. If this is how bad he is with Austin, I may actually be grateful for the first time ever that Miles and I never initiated anything because I can only imagine he would be a thousand times worse with it being one of his friends that I'm dating.

“I don’t not trust you, Edes. I’m just a little cagey with how infatuated he seems to have you so quickly. You’re a slow burner, not a ride or die kind of person.”

“What?! What does that even mean?” I think I’m insulted, but I don’t quite know why because he’s probably right, as usual. But his unyielding stubbornness is getting on my last nerve. 

“Eden, with Trey you jumped straight into a long-distance relationship after a week of non-commital sex with a guy you met in a bar. And it didn’t work out. And now you’re jumping headfirst into this with a guy you met online---”

“Wolfe,” I interrupted him, my temper flaring dangerously. “You weren’t around then. You don’t actually know what it was like with me and Trey in the beginning. So thank you for your concern, but no further comment from you on that matter.”

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