Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

    In the bamboo forest, Xia Xiaoxiao tilted her head and smiled, standing still with her hands behind her back and looking at Xiao Lie, waiting for Xiao Lie to continue to explain.

    She was wearing loose light white pajamas, her long hair was slightly damp, and the water droplets slid down her cheeks. She looked slender, charming and beautiful, with her head tilted with her hands behind her back. Feel good.

    But in the face of such Xia Xiaoxiao, Xiao Lie's eyes have deep... fear?

    Although Xiao Lie thought he was hiding well, it was probably because he was too nervous, the fear in the depths of his eyes and the tension hidden in his expression could not be concealed, which made the smile on Xia Xiaoxiao's face become very interested.

    Xiao Lie probably also realized his nervousness, he looked at Xia Xiaoxiao, then looked away, and clenched his hand behind him quietly: "This matter is about you and the Xiao family, I don't want to. Others heard it, so can I trouble you to come over a little."

    Xia Xiaoxiao looked at him and said slowly, "Okay."

    Then she took a step, half a step, and another half step in Xiao Lie's direction... ...

    Just as she was getting closer and closer to Xiao Lie, Xiao Lie's hand behind her back suddenly stretched out, holding something and throwing it towards Xia Xiaoxiao with all her strength.

    At the same time, Xiao Lie's heart flashed the words that his elders told him.

    After he had doubts about his own bad luck before, he went home and talked to the elders in the family. After listening to his words, the elders pondered for a while, and made a guess that changed Xiao Lie's complexion.

    The elders speculated that Xia Xiaoxiao suddenly turned around, her words and deeds were inconsistent, and her temperament had undergone great changes. It is very likely that her soul had already been taken away.

    In that shell that became more and more perfect, maybe it wasn't Xia Xiaoxiao long ago, but the savage ghost who didn't know where it came from.

    The ghost used his ability to attract ignorant male and female guests, and then deprived these guests of luck and essence and blood to achieve himself.

    As for the unexplainable bad luck incidents that Xiao Lie encountered during this time, it is very likely that the other party sucked his luck.

    As long as Xiao Lie finds a way to get close to the other party in the show, and then throws the magic weapon asked by the elders on the other party, he can beat the ghost back to its original shape, and then paste a spell to suppress it.

    Before Xiao Lie came, the elders gave him a string of blood jade bracelets. The bracelets were soaked in black dog blood. The jade was soaked with dog blood that can exorcise evil spirits. As long as the other party touches this bracelet, he will be caught in it. The power of expelling the body, transforming into the true nature of ghosts, and then can no longer harm people.

    The only bad thing is that Li Gui is ferocious. Once he realizes Xiao Lie's intention, he may lose his mind and attack Xiao Lie, causing even more terrible consequences. Therefore, Xiao Lie needs to keep a distance from the other party to avoid being hurt by Li Gui.

    These things just passed through Xiao Lie's mind for a moment, and while Xia Xiaoxiao kept getting closer, he threw the bracelet directly at Xia Xiaoxiao.

    Originally, Xiao Lie also considered whether to pretend to mediate with Xia Xiaoxiao, and then find an excuse to give each other a bracelet, but thinking of the bad relationship between the two, Xiao Lie was worried that Xia Xiaoxiao would be suspicious, so he did not choose to chat with Xia Xiaoxiao Then send the bracelet.

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