• Chapter 30 •

Start from the beginning

I hugged him, "Gosh I was worried Ran, so worried and scared!"

He gently hugged me back, "Jeez Tommy, not so tight- You might hurt me..."

I pulled away, "Sorry! I was just worried."

He kissed my nose and I kissed his cheek, "I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine- I'm fine." He tried assuring me.

I nodded and smiled, "Ran?"

"Mhm?" He hummed.

I opened my mouth to speak, but our friends burst in the room worried and everything.

I backed up from Ranboo, "Oh! H- Hey guys."

They all rushed him with hugs and questions making sure that he was okay, safe, and healthy.

"Don't hurt him! Be gentle!" I told them just a bit concerned.

Then Tubbo tried pulling me aside, "Tommy, a word?"

I nodded, "Sure." I kissed Ranboo's hand, "I'll be back, love."

I turned pink and so did he- No one else cared. I guess I wasn't thinking. I just dropped his hand and followed Tubbo outside of the room.

"So uh...You know what's wrong, don't you?" Tubbo asked me approaching the situation gently.

I nodded, "Yeah, don't worry."

"Okay...I'll get everyone out of there for you. And then you can....." He awkwardly laughed.

I nodded, "Right! Y- Yeah..."

He smiled, "Not too much- He is in a hospital bed, and well, just be safe."

"Tubbo! What're you thinking?! Jeezus- I wasn't gonna- Ugh! Shut up!" I turned red.

"I was just saying take the talk slow....because you could overwhelm him and the mark. Whoch would cause another panic attack." He raised a brow at me.

I flushed red, "Just- go!"

He laughed and we both went back inside the hospital room.

"Alright everyone, let's give Ran some space and wait outside." Tubbo said and so everyone followed him out of the room.

I stayed and closed the door then locked it. Ranboo raised a brow, "What's up?"

"Nothing..." I gulped.

He nodded with a chuckle. I went and sat down beside him then held his hand again.

I think....I think I'm ready.

This is for him so, I can do it.

"Ran, how do I mute myself?" I asked him.

"Turn it left." He said.

I turned the nob all the way to his left. Then I cleared my throat, "Ranboo, I was uhm- thinking."

"Hm?" He hummed.

I gulped, "Uh- Remember what Will had told us? About the uh- marks fading?"

"Yeah." Ranboo answered.

I gulped, "Uhm, Ran I- I think I've been lying to you. About how I love you....Uhm- I think my mark was fading because uh- I- I know they're not what either of us think-" I sniffled, "I know! And I- I'm just scared...I don't want to hurt you either and uh- I think I might actually uhm, possibly like, like you. Which is just- scary for me. And I want to take it slow- really slow."

Ranboo smiled, "My wrist is- So incredibly warm Tommy. Thankyou."

I nodded, "Y- Yeah..."

"But Toms, what do you mean when you say the marks are 'not what either of us think'?" He asked seeming confused.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's just enjoy this moment, hm?" I asked.

He nodded, "Right. Sure." Then he pat the spot beside him. I got up and sat with him on the cramped hospital bed. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He sighed, "So, you like, like me, huh?"

I flushed pink then nodded.

He chuckled, "Well I love you, not platonically."

My heart beat fast, "O- Oh..."

He awkwardly laughed, "I'm glad you uh- Sorta finally figured it out? I mean- Im just guessing that 'not what either of us think' meant romantic love, romantic marks, romantic soulmates?"

"I- I guess..." I laughed along with him.

He grabbed my chin moving it to look at him, "So....May I?"

I needed to love Ranboo- romantically. And if that was ever gonna happen, I needed to take these big steps...

I guess 'slowly' wasn't gonna happen. I needed to go all in. Not for me, for him.

1,236 words
Itas a little later update today, but thanks for reading! I'll see ya'll in the next one <3

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