Chapter 76 || That Night

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later I reached our usual spot, at least it used to be. I haven't really been here all that much in the last few years.

I was the first to arrive. The small clearing was pretty bright as the moon was just barely visible from behind the clouds. I watched as I waited for Nigel to show up with this news of his.

I took a seat on a nearby log, after getting tired of waiting. I mean, he was the one who asked me out here, the least he could do was be on time.

What could he possibly want to tell me? It has to be important, or at least important to him.

It luckily didn't take that long until he finally showed up, but he wasn't alone. Of course, he wasn't.

He walked out to the clearing. Ayleen was practically glued to his side. I let out a silent sigh as I turned away from them.

"Oh great, you actually came!" I heard him yell before he ran up to me. I looked up at him as he stopped in front of me.

"Of course, you asked me to come," I said still not looking at him.

"I was fully expecting you to ditch me, to be honest." He jokes as he sat down beside me.

I got up again and took a few steps away from him. "I wouldn't do that." I sighed. "You said you had something to tell me?"

He got up as I turned to face him his face lid up as he grabbed Ayleen's hand, pulling her closer.

"We... do." He smiled. I looked between the two of them.

This was gonna be about them, figures. She was the main thing he care about now. I don't know why I didn't see this coming.

I took a deep breath to try and control my emotions as much as possible as I felt the anger and jealousy rise up inside me.

This was going to hurt.

"We're getting married!" Suddenly Ayleen yelled excitedly. Nigel looked down at her offended.

"Hey!- I wanted to tell him that. He laughed.

I forced a smile. I felt my nails dig into my palms as I tightened my fist. I wanted to be happy for them, I really did. but my feelings just didn't want to agree.

The longer I stood there, the more I felt the effects of the moon that hood of me.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep my emotions under control. I wanted to scream, cry and so much more. But there was nothing I could do but push those thoughts down.

I felt my claws force their way out of my hands, stabbing into my hand to the point they must be close to drawing blood.

"That's, not really the reaction I was expecting." Nigel laughed, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked up at him, trying my best to it let it show how much pain I was in. "I'm sorry, I'm happy for you guys- I really am, it's just-"

I took a deep breath.

I hated this. Why can't I just tell them- tell him the truth? How I really felt...

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked, I must've been showing too much after all.

He tried to take a step toward me but Ayleen stopped him. "Nigel wait-" she placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked back at her confused before following her gaze up toward the sky.

But now the clouds had cleared up, fully revealing the moon.

"I'm okay, don't worry-" I lied. "I have it  under control," I said

"Maybe we should talk about this tomorrow," Ayleen said, walking up in front of Nigel. As if to protect him.

I let out a sigh, looking away.

"Marc, we'll just-"

"I SAID I'M FINE!!" I almost growled.

I had my eyes closed, but quickly opened them when I heard a yell and a thud. I instantly gained all control when I realized what happened. What I had done.

Without knowing I had tried to push her away from me, and with that, I had hit her. Badly.

I took a step back as Nigel knelt down next to her, panicked. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

She looked up at me shocked, her hand covering her stomach, but it didn't help at all to stop the blood.

I froze not knowing what to do. "I didn't mean-"

Ayleen looked back at me. "It's fine, ill be okay." She forced a smile. I watched as her eyes started to turn an almost glowing red. That's when I realized, she wasn't just human.

She nodded at me again. And before I could even resist- I was running away. I didn't know why, or where I was going. But I felt like I had to.

I had almost killed one of my friends. But she would be fine. But I don't think ill be able to face them again...

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