"I don't want to fight you man. This needs to stop" Anthony says as he holds up his hands to Maximus. However, it's like his words don't reach Maximus. I can see his dragon eyes forward and I am startled by the change in them. They have gone from their beautiful iridescent blue to a black. Against the whites of his eyes they look creepy. He punches Anthony across the face and I watch as the blow moves him and he falls.

"You are the reason that we will have no alpha. You should have thought about stopping before you even started. You hurt my family and now you have to pay" Maximus says. I wouldn't say that it is his voice, however. This would have to be the voice of his dragon as it speaks.

"Uh, you know what to do here Cara?"

Nope. Tell them to stop I guess

She says it so nonchalantly that I immediately wonder why I never thought of it. As I waited for her reply the men continue to charge. From the look of Anthony's face I would say that he has been trying not to fight back for a while. There are some definite bruises sprouting up on his rich alabaster skin. Maximus however looks unfazed and as if he just entered the fight. The only thing that gives him away is the amount of sweat he carries and the fact that he has removed his robe.

He faces Anthony in just a pair of pants as Anthony finds his strength.  By the look on his face it seems that he has had enough talking. He disappears and flashes in front of my beta quickly. He throws a hard right hook and I watch as Maximus takes the blow only to have another landed soon after.

Anthony flashes away and then back again to shove him to his ass. "If I wanted to end you I could so easily. I have more control of my powers than you do" he taunts him as he folds his arms.

"Oh yeah. I am going to make you eat those words. Come on pretty boy. Why don't you show me exactly the damage you can do with those tiny hands of yours" he grits out through his teeth.

His reply must have the desired effect because his facial expression goes blank. I watch as Anthony narrows his gaze on Maximus and I know this needs to stop now. I push myself to my feet and let my voice flow through the air with Cara.

"STOP FIGHTING NOW!!" I command them.

The command is like a wave as I watch it travel in the air. It causes the two men to go rigid as Avery's gaze swings to me. She bows her head just as her gaze meets mine. She has every right to feel guilty as she still should. I could have died doing what I did. She won't be getting on my good side anytime soon. Maximus doesn't hesitate, however. He rushes over to me quickly and lifts me into his arms. I chuckle in shock at the gesture.

"Thank you Kawa. I did want to give up my life to become alpha. Just the thought of having to deal with anyone pissed me off severely" He says in one breath really fast.

"So, you decided to beat up our guest instead?" I ask him with a chuckle. He scratches his head guiltily as he throws them a narrowed eyed look.

"Well, they are to blame for this mess. I couldn't even contact you when you made that stupid decision to jump into the black pit. It looks like you are all in one piece though" he says as he looks at me once more.

Suddenly I remember that I was naked and quickly jump away from him with a yelp. He looks at me like I'm crazy as I try to cover myself. Its only after tugging the fabric that covers my skin that I realize that my robe is actually intact.

"You good there?" he ask curiously.

"Yes, I thought I ......never mind" I say as I pat myself to make sure everything is covered. I look around the room. Avery fusses over Anthony and his wounds while he pushes her away. Once she stops they look at us again while we look at them. Before any of us can speak I feel something behind me.

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