Chapter 23

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I don't know what's on my mind that made me smash the marble. It must have been an instinct to live. I lived by instinct.


Sitting against the door with my back, I mumbled.

"Isn't this crazy?"

That's all I could say. I was appalled at the fact that we might have all died together just as we really were. My fingertips trembled as if I had a hand tremor.

I sat like that for a long time, then barely moved. I moved to the bed and spat to myself.

"Crazy world."

It was expected that there would be a crisis to visit Ari regularly

And there was Sir Davery.

I was relieved and believed by the presence of Sir Davery. I thought I'd be able to avoid the crisis like how I've been doing through all the time......

"No, who would expect a mentally ill horseman would try suicide by rushing the carriage along with the passenger to a cliff?"

It was even more ridiculous when I said it loudly.

It was amazing, so I threw a punch in the air. As if it was a punch to the world.

After a long time doing shadow boxing, I managed to calm my trembling heart.

'Then, it's coming like this huh.'

Thanks to it, I came to my senses. I've been off guard. Knowing how insane this world was made me stop relaxing.

Yeah, there's no need to be nervous. I'll be careful.

I burned my eyes again, preparing for tomorrow's outing.

"Are you sure I'm the one who will drive?"


I nodded at the question of this servant in front of me, Alex.

"Uh... why me?"

"Because you have the strongest mental health."

Just in case, I replaced the carriage, and of course, I changed the horseman.

The new horseman was Alex, the young, healthy, obedient servant of the mansion.


"It means you are reliable"

The reason for choosing Alex was simple. He was the most likely person to have no mental illness among the numerous employees in the mansion.

He was always bright and simple as if he didn't even know the foot of depression, anguish, agony, conflict, and pessimism.

Again Alex simply grinned at my words.

"Oh, I see! Haha, that's right. When it comes to trusting things, it's me, Alex."

"Then take good care of me."

"Please leave it to me."

That's how a (mentally) healthy young man, on the horseman seat, and I was not completely relieved, so I asked Sir Davery to watch Alex from the seat next to the horseman seat.

Sir Davery seemed not to know why he had to, but when I asked him with such a serious face, he said he would.

I then replacing Sir Davery with two new knights to protect me and Ari, and finally left the mansion.

"Are you nervous, Eonni?"

"Well.... a little,"

Perhaps because of her memory when she was about to die the last time, she seemed to be nervous.

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