Chapter 72

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"He's a perfect person, but it doesn't mean that a person's heart is determined by that."

Yeah, it is.

If I could have liked only those who meet the conditions, I wouldn't have jumped into the fire myself because I liked someone I shouldn't have liked now.

'Crazy, really. What should I do with a psychopath without blood or tears, I'm a person who looks at personality rather than face......maybe.'

I thought so, but I could hear Sir Davery's voice.

"You're right."



I turned my head. He continued his words when I gave a glance to him.

"I've been talking about it, but in fact, I don't think there's anything more important if you're happy anyway."


"I hope you're happy. Whoever you choose."

"Why all of a sudden are you giving words of blessing?"

"A loyal knight sometimes wants to convey his true feelings to the lady he serves."

The sly reply made me laugh. Oh, my.

"I wish Sir Davery too could meet someone nice and be happy. I mean it."

Sir Davery had no answer.

I walked towards the mansion first and looked around and he wasn't following me.


The distance has fallen quite a bit, and the day has darkened, so I can't see the other person's face here.

After a while, he was stopped and moved. His legs are as long as he was tall. It was quick to catch up with me with a few steps.

"What did you do?"

"Excuse me. I was lost in thought."

"Sometimes a loyal knight wants to sell his mind to the lady he serves?"

"You're very sharp. As expected from the lady I serve."

I shook my head and entered the mansion. Sir Davery was not turned back this time.


The next day, a card arrived in front of me.

The pink card, which adds colourful steel to give a guess of the sender's taste, contained a brief dragon, unlike its appearance.

[I invited my dear Princess to tea time in my mansion. I'll be looking forward to your visit.
Sender: Irene Isaac]

And I couldn't help but admire Irene's timing selection at this time.

'How does she know?'

I was in a bad mood when I turned down the crown prince.

I can't believe she had created a number of cases to distract me.

'Cause I was a little curious about what she had been up to.'

I left the mansion according to the time written at the bottom of the invitation without much thought.
"Princess, you're here! I'm so glad you could make it."

Irene looked pretty good. This was the first time we saw each other since we broke up like that during a hunting competition.

"Long time no see, Lady Isaac. How have you been?"

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