Chapter 11

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"So... Um... what that was... was just out of habit when speaking, you know?"

Agrita rolled her eyes in panic and started babbling out excuses .

It seems like she's thinking that she was strange after letting me hear a word I suppose to have never heard before .

Of course, a 'phone' is a word that I've heard in my previous life .

"It's a name of a toy I used to play with when I was young... . "

"Agrita . "

I wasn't curious about the excuses that she had prepared for this so I cut to the chase . I considered briefly, how I should explain myself . Then I opened my mouth to speak,

"Do you perhaps know a country named Korea...... . "


Argita jumped out of her seat . She approached me and grabbed my hand .

"Perhaps you're from Korea too!?"

It felt awkward for her to be grabbing my hand like this and she had addressed me so casually, with 'you' . But that isn't the important thing right now .

Argita continued . "For real . Are you really Korean?"


"Ah, sorry . It's just too welcoming but surprising to me . Are you really Korean?"

With my hands still grabbed by Agrita, I nodded my head despite the fact that I used to be Korean in my past life and not anymore .

Agrita starting jumping in the spot once I nodded my head .

"My gosh! We're from the same place! Wow! I really met another Korean in this world . "


"I thought it was only me . It's so fortunate . "

Agrita had originally seemed happy but now she seemed touched to the point that she looked like she was about to cry .

I watched her crazy reaction before tightly closing my eyes and opening them up again .

Just what happened?

'Why Agrita?"

I recalled the plot of the novel that I had reread so much that I was close to memorizing it . If my memories are correct, then there was never been a scene where Agrita had a past life 'till the very last page of the novel .

'Why did she come here and remembered her past life?'

It was possible . Since it wasn't written in the book that I would remember my past life .

'Then...... . '

My head started spinning .

Agrita began speaking as I tried to figure out how to organize this matter in my mind .

"What happened to you for you to come here?"

"Hmm...... Huh?"

"O-oops . I keep on making mistakes . I'm just too excited . How did you come to this place? It's supposed to be a novel here . "

Agrita asked, blinking her eyes while being so close to my face .

I could see my reflection in the round and clear hazel pupils .

I panicked for a moment from her actions, then was able to focus on the question she threw at me .

'How I got into this place?'

Is she asking how I died?

I was going to answer her but closed my mouth .

Wait . I was suddenly feeling discomfort .

The Villain's Sister Suffers TodayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora