Chapter 56

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Sometimes I feel like time flew by in a flash.

'Like now.'

A week has passed.

In the meantime, the new employee and lord of the territory have been well adapted to the mansion and territory affairs, the imperial knights have taken control of the remnants of the rebel group, and the promoted butler has lost weight.

Ash unbonded the bandage.

In this case, the doctor who was in charge of the treatment should briefly attach his personal opinion.

'No matter how many times I tried to call a priest for help, um, it's obvious that you're not a human being.'

That just showed how quickly he has recovered. After being hit by an arrow, I didn't expect it to be a week's worth of injuries, either, but it was fortunate that he was out of the ordinary anyway.

'I already said I wouldn't strain myself.'

Ash took off the bandage and told me so with a look on his face.

It might have been obvious that I had been worried unknowingly while watching Ash, who is dedicated to his work.

But I've never said anything about it.

I didn't know what to say, so I just pretended to be different.

After Ash unbonded, the bandages, all the people who came down to the compound, including me, returned to the capital.

For your information, Baron Yellow, who came down as the new lord, was quite a warm impression.

'He looks familiar.'

What was it, is it the yellow bear that only wore a top? [Translator : Winnie The Pooh, is that you?]

In any case, the friendly look that resembles a character, not just from his appearance, but the feeling of a warm and compassionate person in the atmosphere, was reflected.

Aside from these personal assessments, he is probably a man of good character.

Otherwise, The Imperial Family won't let it go.

'Raydick Territory is going to be a better place to live.'

It's a place where development has already been achieved. The supplies are overflowing, the trade is stable.

The territory is not incompetent, so having a new manager with good quality may be more beneficial for the territory people's lives.

'Well, I won't be here again anyway.'

As soon as we arrived at the Dukedom, the butler ran out.

"Lady, Duke! Everyone!"

News about what had happened in the territory seems to have reached. Not an exaggeration or an analogy, he was indeed a tabi foot.

"Are you all right? Oh, as soon as this old man heard the news, I couldn't sleep."

"It's all right, butler. We're fine. Look at this."

The butler said that almost all day, Lucas was always giving him a nasty guy and bastard vibes. And all the people he met in Inka always delivered those speeches.

At first glance, it was too harsh a gossip against the dead, but no one stopped him. Including me, hmm.

And the day after I returned to the Dukedom.

I got an invitation.

It was an invitation that I couldn't help but accept.


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