Chapter 47

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".......didn't you bring it out on purpose?"

"Why is this? Well, I've been out of my mind while helping them prepare the food."

"......prepare the food?"

Oh, come to think of it, I came in at sunset, and it was almost time for dinner.

Bessie hid the knife with a clear blade and covered her mouth with her other hand and smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, you had a simple meal yesterday, so I'm helping them prepare the food for tonight's dinner."

"Really? You must be busy preparing."

"I just helped a little. I had nothing to do anyway."

Then a voice was heard from inside, presumed to be Alex's.

He was probably looking for Bessie.

"What else that stupid thing spill this time. As long as the wheat bag is carried well. Oh my lady, now that you're here, you should change your outing clothes."

"Yes, I'm going to change to a comfortable one."

"I'm supposed to help you, but I just left the kitchen and......"

"It's all right. Just forget about being my attendant here and just rest. Don't worry."

"Ah my lady, it's my original job to serve you. Then I'll see you at the dining room later, my lady! Please look forward to dinner."

Bessie then gunned down in the direction of the kitchen.

Alex's lamentable voice for finding her again sounded like an echo on the way.

I laughed so hard while I went up the stairs.

On my way to the room to change my clothes, I suddenly thought of Ash.

'Did Ash get a good rest as prescribed by his doctor?'

I wish he did.

He promised me he would rest, but honestly, it was true that I didn't trust him that much considering his usual work.

Let's take a detailed look at his figures in the dining room later.

I wonder if his look would show a person's face who's fully rested.

'Although, I wouldn't be sure about that.'

No matter how hard I tried, I could never see him tired by his looks.

I can tell he's tired by listening to his voice.

Thinking like that, I arrived in the room and pulled the rope.

"You called, lady."

The maid who soon appeared was a familiar face.

At least it was the second time I saw her this morning.

I looked at her familiar face for a while and then asked.

"Can you call Angela for me?"


Last night, a young maid who helped me took a bath in this room.

Angela, who was shy but instead showed her ability to get a perfect bath, was never seen again since yesterday.

I didn't mean to, but I could have run into her at least once, going back and forth in the same mansion.

I fidgeted with the hairpin in my hand.

I'm telling you this now, but in fact, I was paying attention to Angela.

Maybe it's because of her age.

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