Chapter 131

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I entered the parlour room to kick out the uninvited guest who had come without a notice, and then I stopped when I saw a white bandage that caught my eye.

'What's happened to his wrist?'

Like it was not enough to wrap a bandage around his right wrist, Inner Seacomert also wore a splint.

'Is his arm broken?'

No, but how?

It was around three days ago at best when I encountered Inner Seacomert on the street.

I couldn't help but be embarrassed when a healthy person suddenly appeared with major injuries in just three days.

As soon as Inner Seacomert found me, he stood up gladly from his seat.


I came to my senses when I saw his welcome expression.

"I haven't seen you since that day. How have you been?"


Originally, I was going to kick him out as soon as I entered the parlour room, but I missed the time to spit the message out because of his bandage.

The bandage around Inner Seacomert's wrist kept stealing people's attention.

Oh, why did he show up as a patient?

I hesitated and eventually opened my mouth with a sigh.

"I think Confucius needs the question of 'how have you been' rather than I do. How's your wrist?"

"Oh, this is..........."

Inner Seacomert smiled awkwardly.

He didn't seem to want to tell me much about how he hurt his wrist. Did he fall?

"I'm sorry. This is a shame."

"Got hurt is not a shame."

Even if he really fell and broke his wrist., but how does a fall break a wrist like that?

I shook my head and said, imagining Inner Seacomert falling so brilliantly that he had a fracture.

"More than that, shouldn't it be more ashamed of coming to another's family without any notice?"

I said deliberately in a pretty cold voice.

For a moment, I thought it was a bit too much for the patient, but it was only for a short time.

As I said before, this is also for Inner Seacomert himself.

It would be difficult if he kept coming to the mansion after me treating him soft-heartedly.

Therefore, his life will be in trouble.

This was all my effort to save a precious life. I don't know if he will recognize it.

Inner Seacomert soon changed his expression and looked sullen. I thought he paused for a moment and hesitated to say any words.

As his gentle eyes drooped down a lot, the overall feeling quickly became depressing.

Now, wait. Isn't that the look.......? Yeah, I think so. A puppy caught in the rain.

Inner Seacomert asked me carefully, with a puppy-like face in the rain.

"Didn't you like the gift I sent you...?"

I belatedly recognized his words after being distracted by the face of the other person, which simultaneously stimulated the unknown guilt and protective instinct.

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