Chapter 33

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The day dawned.

I don't know how the morning came. I blinked my stiff eyes hardly.

I came into the room last night, turned off the lights, and lay down on the bed thoughtlessly, covering myself with a blanket.

However, tears did not stop. Every time I blinked, the transparent stream of water was constantly pushed out of the eyelids.

It was a strange act. I had cried so much but didn't know why I was crying.

'Is my body weak?'

I even thought about this.

'Some people cry because their body is weak.'

Am I like that.....?

"......Ugh, my head."

I muttered, sitting on the bed while letting my feet fall on the floor.

My head ached and my eyes felt feverish.

Last night, I tossed and turned for a while and fell asleep as I kept pushing back the tears. At that time, Bessie knocked on the door to check on me, but I pretended to sleep because it was difficult to be caught crying when I couldn't even tell the reason. Bessie seemed to hang around for a while and then she went back.


I had to look in the mirror, but I had a strong premonition of what kind of figure I would be reflecting.

Just as expected.

"Oh, lady!"

Bessie, who came to clear the room to check on me if I woke up, was startled and stopped in the doorway.

"Oh, my God, what's wrong with your eyes?"

" it very bad?"

"Wait. I'll get some ice right away."

It is very bad...

I touched my eyelids. It felt feverish and stung a little.

They're swollen.

Well, it would've been weird if I slept like that last night and wasn't this swollen.

Bessie, who had just returned, gave me a cold cloth bag. I put it gently on my eyelids.

"How did your eyes get so swollen......what happened?"

"I just had a really sad dream."

Bessie kicked her tongue, that was only the reason came to mind.

"I'll light you some scent candles before you go to bed today. I heard it's also helpful for dreams."

"Thank you."

"Oh, and."

Then Bessie took something out of her arms. Only then did I notice that she brought something in, besides an ice bag.

"This one. The Duke asked me to bring this to you, lady."

"cough, cough."


"Oh, no. Dust."

I covered my mouth with the back of my hand. Trying hard to hide the perplexed expression.

'Why is this here?'

As soon as I saw the light blue cloth that Bessie was sticking out, I was almost surprised.

I thought I was mistaken, but the shape and colour remained the same when I glanced again.

I pretended to be relaxed as I accepted the enchanted cloth as best I could.

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