Chapter 126

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I opened my eyes in two full days.

When I woke up, I feel like it was only yesterday that I met Kim Go-dong in the parlour room at the Imperial Palace.

After I woke up, I heard it from someone else, and at first, I only thought this man was playing a prank on me.

I felt as if I had a refreshing nap for about two or three hours.

"Lady, you're really okay, aren't you?"

"I'm all right. The palace doctor also said there was nothing wrong with me."

I soothed Bessie, who had a tearful face.

When I woke up in the middle, I thought there was only Ash next to me, but when I opened my eyes again, it was different.

From Bessie to Butler, it was a full attendance. Thanks to it, I had to sweat to appease those people.

It was the guest bedroom of the imperial palace where I slept for two days.

"No wonder the furniture and decorations were so luxurious.'

Sir Davery was the first to find me lying in the parlour room.

He said that it was strange that he heard the noise that he did not know occasionally, but suddenly the silence continued, so he recklessly opened the door and entered. When he came in like that, I was lying on the floor......

'If my lady wasn't in the 'strange' state of unconsciousness, I would have cut that guy immediately.'

That was what Sir Davery told me when I woke up.

The guy he means must be Kim Go-dong. I'm glad he was okay.

He said Kim Go-dong came up before me. He left the imperial palace and left a letter in front of me.

[It was a short but impressive meeting. If you need me again next time, please call me anytime. I'll introduce my wife to you then.


In the context of the letter, it was obvious without hearing who left it.

However, the name Brown was unfamiliar, so I tilted my head for a moment when I received the letter, which turned out to be the name of Kim Go-dong here.

Thanks to it, I got a piece of unnecessary information about Kim Go-dong.

'I can't believe it was that Go-dong.'


So, if he has noble status, will he put the last name as Dark? Brown Dark.

Well, anyway.

When I woke up from a sound sleep, it felt like a dream to meet God of Dimension.

Meanwhile, Kim Go Dong... No, Brown's letter served as a reality for me.


When I thought of God in the dimension, Ari naturally came to mind.

I pulled myself together, came out of the palace with Bessie and the others, and opened my mouth.

"Maybe Ari... Do you know what happened to Lady Grace?"

"Lady Grace?"

"She was lying unconscious with you. I heard that the lady hasn't woken up yet."

"I see."

The answer came from the butler. I nodded.

'Was it good?'

I'm sure it went well. It's not just anyone else. It's from the God of Dimension. he won't make two mistakes.

'Ari's original body that says she rolled on the stairs is bothering me, but....'

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