Chapter 36

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I should know the reason even if it feels unfair.

What the hell am I supposed to do with a kid whose face is also unknown to me?

There was no one around, but from the point of view where there was a quarrel for no reason, the words would not go out nicely.

"What, what... What are you doing!"

"Tell me the right way, why did you deliberately do such childish things like splitting the wine?"

"That's a mistake..."

"Lady Irene Isaac."

Looking straight into her eyes, I laid down my voice.

"Do I look stupid and idiot to you?"

I said again, watching the opponent's shoulder flinch.

"Why did you do that?"

Irene kept her little mouth shut and kept her right to stay silent. Then she finally opened her mouth.

".....because of that."


"It's, It's all because of you, the Duke ignores all my letters!"

I wondered what I was hearing at the moment.

The Duke? If it's the Duke then.....Ash?

Irene's small face blushed as she shouted.

"It's all because of you. Do, do you know how much effort I put into writing the letter? It took a week to complete the embroidery. How much, how trembling and nervous I was when I sent it....

"Wa, wait."

It was hard to understand in many ways. I once threw the most important question.

"Why have I become the reason for Ash ignoring your letter or your embroidery?"

"Because you're not getting married!"


"You're at the right age to get married, but you're not even dating, let alone getting engaged...The Duke is so worried about his sister that he ignores the marriage partner let alone meeting!"


I had a speechless experience of being dumbfounded in a long time.

I felt like I forgot how to speak. My head refused to get into a crash, so I blinked blankly.

The opponent continued in a trembling voice.

"You think I'm the only one who thinks that? Everyone does. Anyone who's ever sent The Duke a letter knows it! You're blocking The Duke's future, you nuisance!"

Then Irene managed to push me in a small, slender frame and quickly disappeared over the hall.

I couldn't catch such an opponent. I was out of my mind.

It was only a moment before a collapsed single word came out of my mouth.


What did I just hear?


I'm blocking Ash's future?

I was not angry even though I was cursed right in front of my face.

I was genuinely dumbfounded.


I was so dumbfounded that I staggered from the standing position.

The outside wind was cool. With the help of the Imperial Palace, I was able to change my clothes and plopped myself on the terrace.

I crossed my arms, placed them on the railing, and looked out.

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