Chapter 66

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Mag Jaang was surprised at the moment he found a splendid and vivid enemy that could be distinguished at a glance from afar.

'Why is she here?'

But the surprise was brief. Soon a brilliant idea came to mind.

'This is a chance.'

He recently had some regrets about his opponent who turned the situation over as a mere coincidence and made him leave his seat quietly.

'At that time at the market how much she had humiliated me.'

He thought he had to give that bitch woman a stingy taste like that.

Mag Jaang deliberately shot an arrow at the horse on which the princess was riding.

He didn't aim at people on the horse because he wasn't confident about it. But it's enough to make the horse jump and rage after being hit by an arrow which 'accidentally' shot. It doesn't matter if the person on the horse falls off and gets hurt a bit.

Of course, shooting an arrow wasn't a mistake but that's enough.

'Ha, I never thought he'd catch it."

Unlike what he planned, Mag Jaang did not achieve his purpose.

The knight next to the princess grabbed the flying arrow with his bare hands. As soon as Mag Jaang saw it, he turned the horse around and ran away.

'Is The Duke's knight possible to do something like that?'

It was absurd. And it was a shame to fail since the chance came as if it was sent from heaven.

'I wanted her to at least fall and break one leg. Well, I can't help it. It's a shame, but I'll run away like this and just pretend nothing happened. .....'

It was then.




An arrow hit the leg of a running horse and made the horse fall.

Mag Jaang, who fell off the horse, could not overcome inertia and rolled over and slammed his head against the tree.

Soon a man appeared before the drooping Mag Jaang.

"Oh yes."

Dressed in black colour made its gender hard to guess, the person looked proud. Satisfied, he clenched his fist into the air and soon took out a small sphere from his bosom.

"Master, I caught the suicide seeker."

From the small sphere, a fire sparkled and the dry answer returned.


There was not a word of praise for doing well. Well, it doesn't really matter.

He didn't mean to be praised anyway. As a member of the organization, he was just faithful to his role and paid for it according to his master's orders.

"He fainted. Should I leave him as it is? Or should I take him away?"

-Leave him be.

"Yes sir, I understand."

He reeled the sphere, a magic tool for communication, and looked down at the unconscious Mag Jaang.

He shrugged.

"Ckck, these days, even suicide attempts are very creative. If you want to die, just hang yourself from a tree. It's easy, fast, traditional, and how good it is. But it's something I can't understand anyway."

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