Chapter 100

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As soon as I stepped on the site of the mansion, I caught a familiar figure jumping out from the inside.

The brown eyes looked up at me.

"I've been waiting!"

" all the way?"


It's not that Ari really sat in the mansion for a few days waiting for me to come back.

As soon as Ari found me and ran out, the butler finally looked as if he was losing his old burden.

I smiled awkwardly when I recalled how Ari's usual free spirit behaviour violated the butler's strict standards.

"Since when have you been waiting at the mansion?"

"As soon as I got a letter from you, eonni."

What? That early?

'Butler, you must have suffered.......'

Suddenly, the butler looks much cooler.

It seemed as if I could see something.

"First of all, let's get in. I have a lot to say."

Ari was in my arms for a few hours and soon whispered to me, looking around the snow that lay around her.

I nodded.


I could not feel any fatigue even though I moved the long-distance using such convenient means of moving by grinding the sorcerers.

I simply changed my clothes and immediately sat face to face with Ari in the parlour room.

Ari looked at me with her both hands on the table.

"Eonni, what the hell happened?"


I wrote a simple letter, but I'm sure it needs more explanation.

'Where should I begin to explain it?'

It would be best to just talk in chronological order.

I have either hidden what's been going on with me or just plainly confided.

"...that's what happened."

After the story, Ari's eyes staring at me were wide-eyed.

"Eonni, that means... ...."

Ari covered her mouth with trembling hands as if she could not believe it.

"That means you've been struggling in vain all this time!"


"Since the first time I died a tight death on the clock tower in the square, you saved my life with beads!"


"No, ever since you stole beads from the temple of time on the premise of running away!"


"Maybe even before that, since you first read the spring of Agrita in the old library...."

"Stop it."

I buried my face in the palm of my hand and sighed before correcting some of Ari's words.

"How can it be in vain to save you? No, it's meaningful in itself."


"So stealing beads from the temple of time is not a waste of time."

"But since I couldn't die, You've been through a lot, right? Especially the more recent when I've come."

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