Chapter 9

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"...... . "

The noise in the room stopped for a moment . But I was used to it becoming silent when Ash entered because it happened every year .

As soon as I walked in, I began looking for Agrita .

'Where is she?'

Where are you, heroine?

The silence in the room was broken when people came up to greet us .

"Hello, Duke and Duchess Lydia . "

"It's an honor to meet you . "

"You two always look like you just stepped out of a painting . Duke Weadgreen, Happy Eighteenth Birthday . "

I became distracted as we were subjected to a torrent of greetings .

As I glanced at the people who were crowding around us, confirming that most of them were only focused on Ash, I turned away again .

Agrita Grace . I just want to see you . Where are you?


Just as I was looking in every corner of the banquet hall, I found her .

There was a lady standing near the entrance to the outside .

I recognized her immediately . There was no way I wouldn't .

Her physical description that I had read about countless times matched up exactly to what I saw of her now .

I even knew what clothes she would be wearing to the banquet today . There had been a lengthy description of her clothing in the book .

At first look, she did not have much presence with her common brown hair and brown eyes .

But her thin face and thick eyelashes showed that she was an uncommon beauty .

Agrita was like a pear blossom . That was my first impression of her .

'I thought the book said she was of simple beauty . '

The book was full of lies . It had described Agrita Grace as a plain beauty who could still maintain a gentle, beautiful look without even dressing herself up .

'What do you mean simple . It's so hard to be pretty without dressing up . '

Regardless, just as the book described, Agrita attracted the attention of people without even consciously trying despite not having a fancy dress or accessories .

It wasn't just because she was pretty, rather, she had a way of pulling your attention towards her .

Her pearl-colored dress with no accessories suited her well as if it was purposely done that way .

Just by looking at her you would get a sense of purity and cleanliness . The more you looked, the harder it was to pull your gaze away .

I finally came back to my senses after being entranced by Agrita .

'Ah, Ash . '

Ash must have seen Agrita by now, right?

It should be past that point . Because in the book, Ash sees Agrita right after entering the banquet hall .

And, it felt like the people who were crowding around Ash weren't getting any responses from him so they were basically just talking amongst themselves .

This meant Ash's attention was elsewhere .

It must be Agrita!

While thinking this, I turned my head back to Ash and was surprised .

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