Chapter 17

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"Lady, did you deliver the honey water properly?"

When I left the room, I found Sir Davery faithfully waiting in the hallway.

I glanced up at his fine face, but quickly lowered my gaze with a subtle sigh.

"Here's one life on my hands......"


"No, it's nothing."

shook my head and dragged my legs

'Everyone but you.'

That voice still seemed to be ringing near my ears.

After saying that, Ash had casually changed our talk to the next topic.

The following topic was my birthday present.

The other day, before my birthday, Ash had asked me if I needed anything, and I only answered that I didn't.

Referring to that, Ash said, "It's okay. Whenever you have anything you want, tell me."

When I heard that, I maintained silence for a while and then pointed to the bed.

Then, I said what I wanted was for him to take a nap right now, I put Ash on the bed, made sure to see that he closed his eyes and only then had I left the room.


I'm a little slow in my step, as I was lost in thought.

I've thought about it.

What if I were Ash's real sister?

If I wasn't adopted, but born in the family?

If I had, could I have been purely pleased with this moment?

With Ash's excessive special treatment, could I have just smiled and said, "My brother is a bit extreme" and brag about it?

My heart was feeling heavy.

Whenever Ash distinguishes me from others and treats me differently, I had no choice but to indulge myself into this fantasy.

Well, that's actually my situation.

Although I'm still prevailing in the fake family tree, I'll soon be thrown out.

It's also a crime of contempt for pretending to be a family member without sharing a single drop of blood.

......And it came with death as the price.


I stopped walking unknowingly, and Sir Davery, who was following me, called me worriedly.

I came to my senses by the voice and began walking again.


I understood this in my head.

It wouldn't help my situation if I'm immersed in this dark sentiment.

At this time, it would be much more efficient to find a way to survive somehow, rather than calmly accepting the inevitable fact that will not change regardless.

But even though I knew it, I fiddled with reason and emotion separately.

I couldn't shake off my pent-up feeling and suddenly opened my mouth as I walked.

"Sir Davery."


"What is a family?"

The answer to the abrupt question was not immediately available. I didn't even wait to hear the answer, as if it wasn't my purpose.

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