Chapter 122

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A few days later, a guest arrived at the mansion.

I was surprised to see the visitor's face.


I used to ask for a message if her fever got better, but I didn't know that she would come in person.

I dragged Ari to my room, not to the parlour room, and looked around.

"Are you all right now?"

"I'm completely fine."

Ari's complexion of saying that certainly didn't look like a sick person.

"When did the fever go down?"


Then the date...... Jesus. Ari's had a full week of fever.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Even though I heard she was okay, I took my hand to Ari's forehead without realizing it. And what she said just right.

Ari humbly opened her two arms raised, like biceps competition.

"Of course. I'm completely strong, almost like an iron."

"What the hell was that?"

Laughter flowed out of Ari's exaggeration.

"The doctor still doesn't know the cause? Was it flu?"



"Is there anything different about me today?"

"What's different?"

Listening to Ari's question, I looked through her again.

I've already taken a closer look, but did I miss anything?

However, the visible appearance of Ari remained the same. Her deer-like eyes, a calm atmosphere when she closes her mouth, her hair and ........

I was so focused on Ari's appearance that I suddenly found out what I was missing.

"Where's Dylan?"

Come to think of it, Ari visited the mansion alone today. There was no one by her side, of course.


"The answer is correct and what! Ari, what about Dylan?"

Did something happen to Dylan? No, but how could she move by herself?

I checked my watch. The needle was approaching noon. Oh, my God. I'll call Sir Davery first.

Then Ari jumped up and snatched my sleeve.

"Eonni, if you're trying to get the blonde knight, you don't have to."


"I don't need a knight."

"What is she talking about? What do you mean you don't need it? If you're going to die here, I don't even have a bead to save you......."

I poured my words out like rapid-fire and shut my mouth.

Ari's attitude was strangely calm. I looked at a determined face that had not agitated, and I grew my eyes for a moment.

"You, no way......"

A thought passed through my mind.

The sudden heatwave caused even the most famous doctor in the capital to shake his head.

Ari says she doesn't need anyone to protect her after suffering from fever.

"That's right."

Ari nodded, letting go of her hand holding the hem of my dress.

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