Side Story 07

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I looked right through the letter I received in embarrassment. It was true.

[Alice Danekier]

A familiar name was written in unfamiliar handwriting on the sender's compartment.

"Alice Danekier......isn't that the name you just mentioned?"

Sir Davery said I nodded vaguely.

"That's right."

"Did you know her?"

"........well.....I don't know."

I looked down at the letter, but just looking at the envelope didn't read anything more.

"I didn't think we were close enough to get a letter, but I don't know."

I don't want to say it myself, but I'm quite popular.

I thought Alice might know my face and name because I attended the same party the other day.

But a letter.......

"It's not even an invitation."

I could see Bessie flinching as she stared at me when I muttered casually.


"Let's read it for now."

Sir Davery recommended that he was curious if he had read the strange atmosphere that was flowing.

Well, yeah. I'm curious, too. I opened the letter without further delay.

"What is it about? Lady?"

Bessie asked. I quickly finished speed reading and peeped my eyes out of the letter.

Then I asked.

"Bessie, did you get an invitation from Baron Danekier?"

Bessie was silent for a moment, but she was quick to agree.

"How did you know? Is it written in the letter? What's the story?"


What should I say about this? I thought about it and summarized it as much as I could.

"She said 'it's painful for you to misunderstand me, so please give me a chance to resolve the misunderstanding myself'. That's what she said."



"What does that mean?"

Bessie couldn't bear to look directly into my letter and stomped her feet in her seat.

I just flipped out the letter. It wasn't something I couldn't show her.

After a while, Bessie and Sir Davery, who read all the letters, changed their faces side by side.

"This is...."

"No, what the hell is this letter saying?"

Bessie immediately resented. Sir Davery added a word by his side.

"She's treating my lady as an ignoble person."


Saying that makes me feel like I interpreted the letter very smoothly.

"Not to that extent."

"No! Look here!"

Bessie opened the letter wide and kindly pointed to one part. It was the top.

[I know there must have been some malicious gossip about me. I am heartbroken to think that it may have affected your acceptance of my invitation.]

"It's like she said 'You didn't come to my party because of my bad rumours, did you? I know everything!'. She definitely means this."

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