Chapter 42

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I couldn't stand it. I was afraid to become a stranger with Ash. I feared that someday I would not be special for him causing him to kill me with his own hands without any hesitation.

That was my greatest fear since I knew the future.

So I wanted to run away. I wanted to run away completely even if I couldn't guarantee what life would be like after I ran away.

Whatever happens after that, it will obviously be better than watching me become nobody to Ash.

'I'm not a fool.'

I couldn't hate Ash. When he held my hand, I couldn't really hate and I respect the warmth that he conveyed, as normal and warm as other people.

'So idiot.'

Even though I know he would kill me.


Sitting absent-mindedly on the bench, I tilted my head.

I tried to look at the clouds. I tried to watch it just flow, but the sun invaded my vision. At a moment, my eyes were dazzled and I frowned.

Then I heard a rustle.

'...Sir Davery?'

Or Bessi? Alex? Did she come looking for me?

He isn't Ash, is he?

I turned my head with a throbbing heart. And I soon became perplexedly firm.

Hiss, hiss, hiss.

'.......... a snake?'

What, what?

A long snake with a yellow body and a speckled pattern fluttered its tongue at me from the grass. I was caught in a daze watching it. First of all, it was a shock.

'Why a snake in the garden?'

Was there a snake originally in the garden? No, it can't be.

I broke out in a cold sweat. Slowly I lifted myself up from the bench.

The snake turned its head in my motion.

'Don't do that.'

Don't look at me. Don't pay attention to me, snake.

Unfortunately, however, the wish did not seem to have been conveyed. The snake kept its eyes on me. The long, vertical pupil looked straight at me.

Hiss, hiss, hiss.

Perhaps because of my feeling, it's tongue was more threatening.

'Is this... is this dangerous?'

That's the situation, isn't it?

My body stiffened. Honestly, I don't know what to do.

Should I turn around and run away? What if it comes after me? Can I avoid a sudden bite from behind?

I had all kinds of thoughts. My mind has become complicated. Why did I have to face a snake-like this one on one?

I was still relieved to find out that the snake's head was round in the midst of this.

'There's no poison.'

They said that the poisonous snake had a triangular head shape.

It's a relief that he's round everywhere. Yeah, poisonous snakes aren't common anywhere.

If there was Ari here, it would have become common, but fortunately or unfortunately, it was just me here now.

In a good way, it's a crisis, but at least it's not a death crisis.

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