Chapter 58

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'Well, the market is close anyway.'

I went with good faith.

It was true that Sir Davery, who had to follow me wherever I went, seemed to be running out of personal time recently.

I came out to the market with two people.

"It's lively."

The long line of stalls was lively and noisy, with many people at one glance.

I nodded silently, as if in agreement with Sir Davery's appreciation.

'There are already quite a few people out there watching.'

The harvest festival in honour of the year's abundance was a big event. In terms of size alone, it stood shoulder to shoulder with the National Foundation Festival in spring.

Maybe that's why I saw quite a few people who came out to play in the festive mood in advance, even before the date was fully set.

"Where shall we go first?"

"Well, I don't really care, so stop by the nearest place first in order of distance. Is the weapons store the closest from here?"



"You have no romance."


What romance all of a sudden?

"Look at this street. Can't you feel anything?"

"There's a lot of people. The stalls, too."

"And it's full of energy. It's the street to celebrate the festival."


"No matter how many things we came out to buy, wouldn't it not be a courtesy to this bright and exciting street to only really buy things?"

What is he talking about?

Bessie clapped her hands on the side at the sudden argument.

"That's right!"

Then she helped as if she had waited only for this moment.

"It's too bad you know since you're here and there are so many things to see, why don't you take your time and look around?"

I blinked and looked at the two alternately.

Soon after, there was something easy to pinpoint.

"...when did you two join hands with each other?"

"Oh, what are you guessing?"

"You know what I mean. Somehow, this was the real purpose from the beginning."

It occurred to me that Sir Davery, in the mansion, appeared at a very coincidental time and intervened.

I thought it was an exquisite coincidence, but now I think it wasn't a coincidence.

He was trying to get me on the market in advance.

As I looked closely at him with my arms folded as if I had noticed, Sir Davery and Bessie looked into each other's eyes, and soon admitted in a gentle manner.

"Was it obvious?"

"Should I say it clearly?"

"My dear lady, it's all for you. I'm just being honest with you, but please forget everything else today and just relax and concentrate on watching the festival."


I blinked my eyes.

Bessie suddenly grabbed my hand and said,

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