Chapter 42

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Becca's POV:

I sat in Simon's office, across from his desk.   We had just finished going over the budget for the tour and talking about the Madison Square Garden show that the boys had done just a couple of weeks before.  

"I'm glad it went well, I'm so proud of them."

"Me too," I smiled. "They did an amazing job as always and the fans were incredibly grateful that Ed opened up for them."

"Good," he nodded with a bright smile. "I'm very happy."

"So, now that I know the full budget," I stood to my feet and started gathering my things.  "I can start getting the ball rolling on the stage and everything."

Simon nodded, stood up, and moved around his desk. "Hey...aside from all that, how are things?"

"They're good," I nodded with a smile. 

"You and Louis?"

"We're....fantastic," I tried to keep from smiling too cheesily. 

"Listen," He leaned against his desk and crossed his arms.  "I know that for awhile...I sounded like I was totally against the two of you, but it-"

I shook my head and cut him off. "Simon, it's okay. I completely understand."

"Okay," He sighed and turned back to his desk.  "Oh, by the way,"  he dug through a drawer and pulled out an envelope.  "Can you give this to the birthday boy tomorrow?"

I smiled and took the envelope from his hand.  "Sure."

"What are you guys doing anyway?"

"Well," I pulled my coat on.  "Niall went to Ireland yesterday, Liam went back home with his family, Zayn's family is coming up to spend Christmas with him and Perrie.   Harry..well, you know where he is-"

He rolled his eyes and shook his head.  "As much as I hate it, yes."

"I know," I nodded.  "He'll be alright, though."

"He will," Simon sighed.  "Just...wish he'd listen to everyone's advice about her."

"I know.  Louis' is livid about the whole thing, really. He had a fit that Harry invited her back for the MSG after party, then-"

Simon held his hand up for me to stop. "I've seen the pictures and I was really disappointed in Harry...but, he's gonna do what he has to do.  It's all a part of growing up."

I nodded.  "Anyway... we'll be alone tonight, then Louis' mom and sisters will be here for his birthday and Christmas."

"Aw, that's nice," he smiled. "Louis' mum is a complete sweetheart."

"I met her in New York, but I didn't get to spend much time with," I bit my lip.

"Oh," he waved his hand. "Don't be worried. She'll love you...everyone does."

"Thanks," I blushed. "Meanwhile, atleast we'll get some quiet time.  This is the first time that we've actually gotten to penthouse all to ourselves."

"Well then, get home to him," he chuckled. "He's probably waiting very impatiently."

I giggled and threw my purse over my shoulder. "Have a Merry Christmas, Simon."

"You too," he smiled.  "Oh, wait,"

"Did you say that you had something you needed to talk to me about?"

"Oh," My cheeks flushed, remember that I had brought the issue up to him.  "Yeah."

"Well, what is it?  I don't want to hold you up anymore...if you want to talk later we can."

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Where stories live. Discover now