Chapter 15

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Harry’s POV:

“I’m starved,” I complained, sitting down at the end of the stage.

 Niall looked at me with a raised eyebrow.   “Paul said he didn’t want to hear those words today.”

“From you,” Liam replied. “He didn’t want to hear those words from you.”

“Well,” he shrugged. “I feel the same as Harry, then.  Ha. I didn’t say it.”

“Paul!” Liam called. “Niall says he’s hungry!”

Paul looked up at the stage with a groan.  “Niall, come on. I told you-“

“I didn’t say it!” Niall said in defense, looking like a small child with the way he waved his arms with his palms out. “Harry said it!”

“Ha,” I chuckled. “You’re in trouble.”

“We’ll get you boys fed in just a bit,” Paul sighed.

Zayn sat down next to me with a troubled sigh.  “Haz…we need to talk.”

“Is it something serious?” I looked at him. “Cause honestly…I’m hungry and I had to wake up really early…so, it might not be a good time.”

“Becca has a husband.”

“Oh god,” I reached up and pinched the bridge of my nose.  “Tell me you’re kidding.”

“I’m not.” He shook his head.  “When I went back to the hotel with her…I met him.”

“You met him?” I asked. “He’s here?!”

“He was waiting for her outside her room,” he explained. “Seemed like a nice guy…he told her he needed to talk to her and she refused, said it wasn’t a good time.”

“Shit.” I groaned.  “Why’d you have to lay this on me now?”

“Because, I didn’t know who else to tell.  Usually I would go to Liam, but he’s pretty grumpy today.  And Niall…well, he’d probably laugh.  Do you think Louis knows?”

“Of course he doesn’t know,” I shook my head. “He’d never sleep with a married woman.”

“That’s what I was thinking too.”

“Well, this is going to gut him,” I growled, looking towards Louis.  He was with Becca, talking to the musical and stage director, along with couple other people.   “He just looks so happy…I seriously thought that she was exactly what he needed.”

“Me too,” Zayn sighed.  “I would have never taken her for a liar.”

“Especially about something like this.”

“What are we going to do?”

“Well,” I sighed. “I don’t know if we need to talk to her about it…or talk to Louis.”

“You boys ready to go?” Becca called over to us.

“Yes!” Niall yelled. “Feed us, please!”


Louis’ POV:

It was a long day.  After morning rehearsals we went to lunch, then a couple radio interviews, then back for another rehearsal.  We had just finished dinner, then headed back to the hotel to wind down for the night.

Something was wrong with Becca, I had noticed it earlier in the day.  She was quiet…more reserved and shut off.  I had climbed into the van next to her, Harry and Liam were sitting in the seat behind us, Zayn and Niall infront of us.

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