Chapter 8

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Harry’s POV:

It was just around 10am when Louis finally came down from his room, dressed and ready for the day.  I was sitting at the kitchen counter, flipping through the morning paper. “Morning,” I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

“Hi,” he replied, grabbing a cup out of the cabinet.

“You slept in,” I pointed out.  Sleeping in wasn’t something Louis did.  He was usually up by 6 every morning.

“I was up pretty late,” he hoisted himself to sit on the counter, facing me.

“Doing what?” I raised an eyebrow

“Eh,” he shrugged and quickly changed the subject.  “Where’s Niall?”

“He went out with Becca,” I replied.

“Groceries, again?”

I shrugged, finishing off my coffee.  “Wouldn’t doubt it.”

“Hm,” he stirred the contents of his cup. “What are you doing today?”

“Well, I was supposed to go golfing with Niall, but I guess that’s gonna wait until later this afternoon.”

“Wanna help me instead?”

“With what?”

“I need to go over to my flat and get the rest of my things,” he explained with a sigh.  “I don’t really want to go over there alone.”

I nodded, knowing that he didn’t particularly want to deal with Eleanor.  Their break up wasn’t an ugly one…but, I knew my friend well enough to know that he was still hurting from it.  “Sure,”

“Thanks.” He forced a smile from the corner of his mouth. “It won’t take long. I only have a few things there. Just gonna grab them and get the hell out of there.”

I turned in the barstool and stood to my feet.  “Let me go put my shoes on.”

“Thanks Hazza,” Louis nodded.

I went back into my bedroom and pulled my converse on, along with a hoodie to cover my t-shirt, since it looked like it was going to rain soon.  When I came out of my room, I found a familiar face coming from Niall’s room.

“Hey,” he spoke softly, his voice jagged and his eyes red.

“Liam,” I replied, reaching out to touch his shoulder.  “What are you doing here?”

He glanced up at my eyes, then back at his feet while he shook his head. “I think…me and Dani broke up,” he said.  It was more of a question that a statement.

“You think?” I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

He rested a hand on his hip and the other rubbed the back of his neck.  “We’ve been having problems for the past couple of weeks,” he explained.  “Last night, things got really bad.  She asked me to leave.”

“You guys just moved in there,” I replied. “Plus, you’re on the lease!”

“I know,” he nodded. “I just wanted to respect her wishes.  She asked me to leave, so I did.”

“Maybe it was just a fight?” I shrugged. “You two always work it out, anyway.”

“I’m not so sure this time,” he sighed.  “There’s just too much going on.  With all the press interviews and everything coming, all the things on twitter is really having an effect on her.”

I made a face.  Liam had shared before how the twitter hate always took such a toll on Danielle’s attitude and self esteem, I never thought it would go this far though.    “Liam, did she break up with you because of twitter?”

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant