Chapter 9

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Niall’s POV:

The lads and I finished golfing and headed to the penthouse. Harry was still sulking, bitter over the fact that I still beat him, bum knee and all. It was nice that we were able to lift Liam’s spirits a little bit, though.  We had actually got him to laugh a couple times!

When we entered the penthouse we found Becca in the kitchen cooking, which is fantastic, cause I was starving!  “Hey boys,” she looked up with a smile.

“Hi!” I smiled brightly and hobbled over on my crutches to sit down on a barstool by the counter.  “What are you making?”

“Brownies,” she replied, grabbing a pan from under the counter.

“Yum,” Liam sat down beside me. 

Harry stood behind me, resting his hand on the back of my stool.  “Brownies are great,” I said. “But, what about dinner?”

“Already taken care of,” she smiled, pouring the batter into the pan.  She put the empty bowl down infront of me, then held out a beater from the mixer to both Harry and Liam.

“What are we, 5?” Harry made a face, Liam took one and started using his finger to get some of the brownie batter of it.

“Ignore him,” I took the extra beater from her hand and licked it. “He’s mad because I beat him at golf.”

“Shutup,” Harry growled.

“In reality,” I explained. “He should be nice about it.  He always wins…he just can’t handle losing atleast once.”

“Whatever,” Harry rolled his eyes.  “Can I help with anything?”

Becca closed the oven after putting the pan of brownies in, then turned to look around.  “Actually, I think we’re all set.  Louis and Zayn are out getting the grill ready, I already made a salad.”

“What about vegetables?” Liam asked.  “Do we have a vegetable?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “I have corn on the cob to go with the steaks.”

“Oooh!” Harry smiled. “I really like sweet corn!”

“Good,” she smiled and playfully patted his cheek, like a mother would pat a small child.

“Becca, thanks so much for letting me duck into your room to take that phone call,” I heard a familiar voice come into the kitchen behind me.  “Hi boys!”

“No problem, hun,” Becca smiled and turned to grab two wine glasses from the cabinet.

“Hi Perrie,” Harry smiled and moved to give her a hug. “How are you?”

“I’m okay,” she replied, giving Liam a hug.  “Finally got a day off…almost don’t know what to do with myself,” she said with a giggle.

“I hear ya,” Liam nodded.

“Hi Niall,” she reached out to touch my shoulder.  “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay,” I smiled. “Kicking Harry’s ass at a game of golf made me feel better.”

“Hey!” Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me.  Perrie laughed and Becca handed her a glass of wine. 

“Thanks love,” Perrie smiled and took a sip from her glass.  “So, what’s new?  I haven’t seen you boys in ages.”

“Not much,” Harry shrugged.  “Pretty much the same as you, working hard to get the new album out.”

Perrie nodded.  “Excited?”

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