Chapter 39

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Zayn's POV:

It was nice being able to spend some time with Perrie, even if it was so short.  After our meeting with Simon, I had gone straight home to claim her in my arms.  We went to see a film, went out to dinner, then spent the night cuddled up in bed watching tv.   

The alarm next to the bed had gone off far too early and before I knew it she was out the door again, this time headed to Australia for a week.  My plan was to go back to bed, but unfortunetely, with Perrie gone, my mind wandered back to the situation at the penthouse across town.  I decided to take a shower and head over. 

I hadn't even realized how early it was, until I used my key to get in and found the place dead quiet, everyone was still in bed. I laid the box of pastries I had picked up from the local bakery down on the table, along with my coffee.  

It was barely 7am, but if I was awake...everyone else was about to be too.  I turned around with plans of waking up Harry.  He was always my favorite person to disturb, such a cry baby.   I made it to the beginning of the hallway when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, movement from the balcony outside, even though the curtains above the slider door were closed. 

I stepped into the living room and peeked outside, surprised to see Becca.  She was looking over the city, her blonde hair blowing in the morning breeze.  I slid the door open and smiled. "Hey you."

She turned her head and forced a smile. 

"How are you?" I asked. 

She shrugged. 

"I heard that you weren't doing much talking..."

"What is there to talk about?"

I shrugged and pulled my cigarettes from my jacket pocket.  "I don't know," I pulled one out and put it between my lips. 

She looked at me, licking her lips.  

I grinned and handed her a cigarette also.  "I thought you quit, love?"

"Nothin' like the fear of a bullet ripping through your brain to make you start back up again," she shrugged and put it between her lips.  I reached out and lit it for her, then lit my own. 

I let out a quiet sigh.  Like the rest of the boys, I hated seeing her like this.  This wasn't the Becca that any of us knew.  Her skin was pale, dark circles hung below her eyes, her hair was pulled into a ratty ponytail.  She was dressed in a pair of baggy sweats, a tshirt, and one of Louis' hoodies.  Saying that she looked desheveled would be an understatement. 

She was obviously still shaken up from the recent events.  Who could blame her?  

"So," I took a drag from my cigarette.  "Where's your head at?"

"Obviously attached my body," she shrugged. 

"You know what I mean," I replied, trying not to roll my eyes at her.  "Are you okay? What are you gonna do?"

"I'm fine," she replied.  "And...I don't know," she exhaled the smoke from her lungs and back over the city. 

"I think you should talk about it," I replied. "Get it out."

"Get what out?" she lifted an eyebrow and looked at me.  "Is there something stuck in a cage somewhere and I need to free it?"

I was taken aback.  That was not Becca.  A snotty remark like that was completely unheard of and it was unnerving.  I didn't even know how to respond.  "Wow,"

"'Wow', what?"

"I was basically saying that I'm here if you wanna talk-"

"I know that," she snapped and looked at me, a sudden fire ignited in her green eyes.  "Do you think you're the only one that's offered their 'listening' services!?"

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Where stories live. Discover now