Chapter 14

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Louis' POV:

I sat next to Liam on the plane.  Niall and Zayn were across the aisle from us, both sleeping soundly. Becca sat directly across from us, Harry beside her sleeping with his head on her shoulder. She had her laptop in her lap, typing away with headphones in her ears.

"So," I nudged Liam.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow and looked up from his ipad.

"How are things with you and Danielle?"

He shook his head with a sigh. "I broke it off."

"Did you?" I asked turning to face him.

He nodded. "I'm just not going to play games," he explained. "Either she wants me for all of me or she doesn't.  Things are going to get hectic as soon as the album comes out...aside from not having much time to spend with her I especially won't have time to argue about silly things."

"I'm sorry," I sat back with a sigh.

"I'm okay," he shrugged. "It'll take time to get used to not having her around but it's for the best."

I nodded. "I know how much you love her though, mate."

"Yeah, but you obviously got over Eleanor, I can get over Danielle."

I sighed and shook my head. "Liam, it's not that easy for me to get over Eleanor.  She was my life for a year and a half, the hurt never goes away."

"Well that's not helping me," he said with a light smirk.  "You seem to be doing much better than you were a few weeks ago, though."

My gaze moved to Becca and I smiled, althout she was too drawn into what ever she was doing to notice.  "Yeah it gets easier with time."

"So, how long has this been going on?"

"What?" I smirked, playing stupid.

He looked at me and made a face. "Tommo, come on."

"Not very long," I sighed.

"What is it, exactly?" he raised an eyebrow.  A look that was all to familiar, it always reminded me of a look my step-father used to give me when he knew I was up to no good.

"There's not really a title for it," I replied. "It's, right now."

"Fun?" he made a face. "So, it's just sex?"

"No, it's not just sex," I bit at my lip.  "Honestly, she just...gets me. She listens to me, she knows what I've been going through."

Before he could say anymore, Becca pulled an earphone from her ear and looked at us. "Who's 'The Wanted'?"

"Another boy band from England," Liam explained with a yawn. "They don't like us very much."

"I see that. But, why?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Because they were pretty popular until we came along," I rolled my eyes. "What shit are they talking now?"

She sighed and made a face, turning back to her screen. "Pretty much what you just said, one of them is saying that you guys are more pretty faces than anything else."

"Fuck them."

She looked up and grinned at me. "Gee, tell us how you really feel."

"They're a bunch of wankers," I rolled my eyes. "They can kiss my ass."

"Calm down," Liam looked at my sternly. "We're used to this, let it go,"

"Let it go," I mocked as I unbuckled my seat belt and stood to my feet to head down the aisle to the bathroom

Emotional Traffic Series:  Look After You (Louis Tomlinson Fic)Where stories live. Discover now